Thursday 25 August 2011

Treasures of Afghanistan | Afghan Youth Voices Festival

What happens when you hand a camera to a bunch of young people? They will usually take photos of themselves and the prettiest things in their neighbourhood.

So, Afghan Youth Voices Festival decided to run a special workshop designed to teach young people how to photograph the natural beauty and the rich cultural heritage of their surroundings. The first such workshop was held in two schools in Panjshir province by photographer Jawad Jalali of Afghan Eyes Photo Agency. During the training, the students not only learnt the basic principles of photography but also took numerous photographs of their villages and surroundings which will then be a part of a national photo series called “Treasures of Afghanistan.”

In the next couple of months, we will be holding such workshops around the country. To take part in this workshop or to find out what is happening in your area, please contact us. 

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