If they try to bulldoze Dale Farm
--> ONLY $hours HOURS TO GO... "; ?> -->They are threatening to bulldoze Dale Farm, and we might not know when they will try. It could be any time after midnight on August 31st when the notice of eviction expires. Fill in the form below to spend a night at Dale Farm. We also have a weekend of training on August 27th. You will also receive an sms text alert in case of an attempted eviction so that you can make it to Dale Farm as quickly as possible. We also might get some advance warning of the eviction, in which case we can send you a text message. See the human rights monitoring section of our website for more details. You can find out more about Dale Farm here, or email us for more information at savedalefarm[at]gmail.com
Note: We've a track record of taking security seriously (both yours and our own) and will do our best to keep your number safe - encrypted on a server outside Europe. However, once we start sending messages via the phone networks it is trivial for the authorities to get details of those who receive them from the network operators. Likewise, it's easy for the authorities to obtain the details of all mobile phones within a specific geographical area (assuming battery inserted). If concerned, don't take your mobile to the action - get a new unregistered PAYG mobile and use that on the day.