Tuesday, 12 April 2011

The Death of Laptops and the Rebirth of PhilipBrennan.net | Philip Brennan

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The Death of Laptops and the Rebirth of PhilipBrennan.net

Posted by Phil Brennan on Apr 12, 2011 | Comments Off

Due to unforeseen circumstances I have been away for a bit, but now I am back...

Philip Brennan | PhilipBrennan.net | 12 April 2011:

Last month my poor old laptop died. It bit the dust, gave up the ghost, and went to the big silicon soup in the sky. It FUBAR big time. I am surprised that it did not blow up in the process...

Needless to say, apart from using TweetDeck on Android, my web presence was very, erm, limited (to say the least). This gave me time to concentrate on other things and think over where I want the web site to go from now on.

There are going to be changes over the coming days, weeks and months.

Some of these changes you might approve of. Some you might not. Considering I am not paid for what I do and am not beholden to web sponsors or advertisers, I don't think I am all that worried whether people like the changes I make to the site or not. It is due for a major overhaul any how.

Categories will get slimmed down and moved around. The editorial emphasis will change. A whole host of new graphics will get created.

And I will be far more discerning about what goes up at the site from Alternative News Media sources.

Watching the Libya uprising take shape and seeing all the disinformation that the Alternative News Media have been peddling about who is behind the uprising and other issues, when I have been in actual contact with people on the ground who are directly involved, has seriously pissed me off. I do not usually use such strong language in my articles (well, I try not to any way), but it is the only way to articulate what I am feeling about Alex Jones and Webster Tarpley right now. They have Seriously Pissed Me Off. Especially Webster Tarpley.

If you have been hearing rumours that Al Qaeda are involved with the Libyan uprising then please disregard that junk. The only terrorists in Libya are the Gaddafi Regime. it was them, after all, that commissioned and carried out the Lockerbie Bombing in 1988. They also took down a French airliner in the late 1980s, and shot a British police woman dead in central London in the early 1980s. And this is just a small example of the long list of terrorist offences that the Gaddafi Regime have committed over many years world wide.

I want you to remember one important thing from now on: ALL Media is Propaganda. Whether it is the Main Stream Media or the Alternative Media, they all have their own axes to grind and their own agendas to promulgate.

What you have to now decide when reading news sites or watching the television news is whether the propaganda they are promulgating is for your good or ill. Is what they are telling you intrinsically true, or are they spinning it to fulfil some unknown agenda?

For example, why are Al Jazeera covering the Libyan, Syrian and Yemeni uprisings in great detail, but are hardly mentioning events in Bahrain? Why do the BBC deliberately downplay the amount of protesters present at any and all UK demonstrations? Why is InfoWars so obsessed with the idea that every single Middle Eastern uprising is really a CIA / New World Order plot without once considering that the real reason that the people there are in revolt is because they are finally tired and angry enough about living in Western Backed dictatorships?

Yes, the New World Order is messing about in the Middle East - they have been for years - but I am of the opinion that they are doing everything in their power to prevent these uprisings. Why do you think Gaddafi is still able to get arms and men through Algeria despite the UN embargoes against his Regime? Because the New World Order are desperately trying to keep him in power, and they are doing everything through Algeria, Chad, and the African Union.

So back to the changes that I will be making to the web site. One thing I will do is slim down / move around categories. I will also not be cross posting anywhere near half as many articles as I have been previously. I would much rather write a couple of high quality articles each week of my own than spend my time repeating what everyone else is saying.

I have had it in my mind to make the site the "London Times" of the Alternative News Media, and I feel the best way to achieve this is to concentrate on writing my own articles, as well as aiding and abetting certain groups who I have come to know and have allied myself with. More will be revealed on these alliances in due time.

I will also be getting a new twitter account solely for this site. I want to keep "der_bluthund" separate from the site so that I can say things there that I would not want officially associated with the site. And those who want to just be informed of when new articles are up can follow the other twitter feed...

I am also rethinking my Face Book presence. Nothing has been decided yet because I want to talk to several key people before I do anything, but I have it in mind to drop the web site's FaceBook Fan Page.

We live in exciting times, not fearful ones. Even though the New World Order is desperately trying to stem the tide against them, their days are numbered as more and more people world wide wake up to their agendas. Revolution is in the air world wide, and there is no stopping it. It may even reach your country of residence or birth. Be prepared to take a strong hand in it when it comes so you're left with a country and world you would want to live in.

I am so looking forwards to what this year brings. Last year was the Year of Dissolution. This year is the Year of Revolution!

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