Monday, 25 April 2011

More women turn up seeking voting cards - Arab News


JEDDAH: Four women went on Sunday to Alkhobar to obtain voting cards, following in the footsteps of two who went on Saturday. However, officials turned them away.

In Riyadh, however, at least 12 women showed up at the municipal center but were also turned away, one of the women told Arab News.

“We came to Al-Farzdak school at Al-Sulaimaniya district where the voting cards are issued. Abdul Rahman Al-Othman, the head of the election center, told us that no voting is allowed but was not able to give us good reasons and told us to consult the Ministry of Rural Affairs,” said Noha Al-Sulaiman.

“It is a verbal ban (on women) and there is nothing documented. Therefore we went out and it was expected that only a few of us would do so, as this is a brave step. We went and had no idea what we would face but we did it.”

According to her, any discrimination against women has to end, especially as the Kingdom has signed international agreements preventing such prejudice.

In Jeddah, campaigner Naila Tahir said she and her fellow activists would not plan any action unless a new plan was finalized and voted on.

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