Wednesday, 27 April 2011

What Can We Learn From The Portuguese Decriminalization of Illicit Drugs?

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Criminology titles from Oxford University Press

What Can We Learn From The Portuguese Decriminalization of Illicit Drugs?

  1. Caitlin Elizabeth Hughes* and
  2. Alex Stevens
  1. *Dr, Drug Policy Modelling Program, National Drug and Alcohol Research Centre, UNSW, NSW, Australia, 2052;


The issue of decriminalizing illicit drugs is hotly debated, but is rarely subject to evidence-based analysis. This paper examines the case of Portugal, a nation that decriminalized the use and possession of all illicit drugs on 1 July 2001. Drawing upon independent evaluations and interviews conducted with 13 key stakeholders in 2007 and 2009, it critically analyses the criminal justice and health impacts against trends from neighbouring Spain and Italy. It concludes that contrary to predictions, the Portuguese decriminalization did not lead to major increases in drug use. Indeed, evidence indicates reductions in problematic use, drug-related harms and criminal justice overcrowding. The article discusses these developments in the context of drug law debates and criminological discussions on late modern governance.

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  1. Br J Criminol (2010) 50 (6): 999-1022. doi: 10.1093/bjc/azq038 First published online: July 21, 2010
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Online ISSN 1464-3529 - Print ISSN 0007-0955
Oxford Journals Oxford University Press

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