Wednesday, 6 April 2011



Wedding triggers knockout blow to republicans
Written by Professor David Flint AM
Sunday, 03 April 2011It is a knockout blow to the Australian republican movement – a mere shadow of itself comparedwith the formidable force it once was under the Turnbull-Keating ascendancy – as well as theminuscule United Kingdom, Canadian and New Zealand republican movements.That respected voice of progressive politics, The Guardian, has returned to the monarchist fold.Probably the leading English language quality newspaper of the left, The Guardian has renouncedthe republican agenda it vigorously endorsed in 2000. The newspaper had even challenged the lawin relation to the succession.The Guardian is the leading intellectual media source for Labour and similar parties in the sixteenrealms over which The Queen reigns. This decision will have a considerable effect in these partiesand beyond.It will make it acceptable for ALP politicians to admit that they support the existing constitution.After all a large number of the 72% of Australian electorates which voted No in 1999 were held bythe Australian Labor Party.Some republicans hoped this declaration by The Guardian was just an April Fool’s day joke, butthere is no evidence of that.In its editorial “The magic of the monarchy: The royal moment hascome, (1/4)” The Guardian finds that Prince William has shown that he can be a new kind of king.
…full throated support for the monarchy...
“That is why, in a significant change of course, we today pledge our full-throated support for theBritish monarchy.”“Let’s face it: the current crop of world leaders is far from inspiring. Across the Arab world,dictators battle their own people; at home, attitudes towards Cameron and Clegg alternatebetween apathy and outrage. In America, the hope that greeted Barack Obama has long sincefaded.“AsThe King’s Speechso vividly reminded us, there are times when only the calming leadership of a hereditary monarch will do; and as the MPs’ expenses scandal illustrates, it can be dangerous totrust power-hungry elected officials, who lack the security provided by land ownership andimmense wealth.” Amid all this, William in particular stands out as something unique: a bastion of tradition with adeeply modern sensibility – not to mention a helicopter pilot’s licence. When the time comes, weurge Prince Charles to redouble his focus on his important work in the field of alternative medicine,and to pass the mantle of head of state to his son.”“For too long, a hair-shirt tendency on the left has insisted that a commitment to progressive valuesis incompatible with an appreciation for the magic and wonder of royalty.”A welcome back to the prodigal son.

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