- 13:00 until 17:00
ALL cities across CANADA - Please check time/location in your city in list below. |
We call for the SECOND TIME on ALL CANADIANS to join in a PROTEST on SATURDAY, March 31, 2pm-5pm in every city across Canada. Events by CITY- Please check LOCAL TIMES: BRAMPTON: BRANTFORD: http://www.facebook.com/pages/Brantford-Rally-Against-Fraud-in-Parliament/309014965827672 CALGARY: CANMORE, AB: confirmed event waiting for link... CHARLOTTETOWN: EDMONTON: https://www.facebook.com/events/397819433579377/ FORT ST JOHN, BC: FREDERICTON: GUELPH: HAMILTON: HALIFAX: https://www.facebook.com/events/232611543504912/ FRASER VALLEY/CHILLIWACK: Please post interest on page and coordinate location/time...http://www.facebook.com/pages/Lower-Mainland-and-Hope-BC-Rally-Support/363236610376539
KINGSTON: KITCHENER-WATERLOO: KELOWNA: http://www.facebook.com/events/413585055325652/ KAMLOOPS: LETHBRIDGE: LONDON, ON.: MONCTON: MONTREAL: http://www.facebook.com/events/410734538941172/ NANAIMO: NELSON,BC: http://www.facebook.com/events/397630663597623/ NORTH BAY,ON: OSHAWA: OTTAWA: PETERBOROUGH: http://www.facebook.com/events/229506620481290/ REGINA: http://www.facebook.com/events/341861142517146/ SARNIA: ST. JOHN'S: http://www.facebook.com/events/385763404786355/ SASKATOON: THUNDER BAY: TORONTO: https://www.facebook.com/events/340913062611341/ VANCOUVER: http://www.facebook.com/events/411055932243707/ VICTORIA: http://www.facebook.com/events/405703252776881/ WINDSOR: http://www.facebook.com/events/242549425841498/ WINNIPEG: YELLOWKNIFE:
TIMES and LOCATIONS will be set by each city! This is a NON-PARTISAN call for Canadians to STAND FOR Canadian DEMOCRACY! We the people of Canada demand a FULL PUBLIC INQUIRY now, into fraudulent ROBOCALLS! Get Fraud out of Parliament NOW! Please sign up on facebook event: _____________________________________________ Dear Friends, Thank you for the support that made the March 11 protests a success. They raised awareness! We had 32 cities participate on March 11! We are proud of all of you and particularly proud and moved with our friends at Iqaluit standing for Democracy at -27 holding their signs, saying to the country "we care"! Our work just begun! From DemocracyCanada's (dc@DemocracyCanada.ca) initial call on February 27, we have come a long way. Lets work for broader community participation across the country! This is a NON-PARTISAN initiative and encourage everyone involved to pursue this, not for any specific party but for our Canadian Democracy, for the Canada we know and love! DemocracyCanada ( www.facebook.com/DemocracyCanada ) will support all the cities with any help they need. Please email us at dc@DemocracyCanada.ca This is an event initiated and organized by DemocracyCanada, a NON-PARTISAN organization across Canada! We welcome support from all individuals and organizations but ask them to respect the NON-PARTISAN, citizen initiated nature of these events!This is an effort initiated, organized and executed for Canadian Democracy by Canadians! No organization represents or organizes this, but caring Canadians in every city across our land! We are Canadians defending Canadian Democracy! We thank you for your support and enthusiasm! We have a great Democratic country and now Canadian Democracy needs your help! Will you be there? Best NON-PARTISAN regards, Friends of DemocracyCanada |