Monday, 1 November 2010

Karen Human Rights Group | Documenting the voices of villagers in rural Burma

Welcome to Karen Human Rights Group

Karen Human Rights Group

The Karen Human Rights Group (KHRG) is a local, independent group documenting the human rights situation in rural Burma by working directly with rural villagers who are suffering abuses such as forced labour, systematic destruction of villages and crops, forced relocation, extortion, looting, arbitrary detention, torture, sexual assault and summary executions. The vast majority of these abuses are committed by soldiers and officials of the State Peace & Development Council (SPDC), Burma's ruling military junta. More >>

Self-protection under strain

Self-protection under strain New KHRG photobook

New KHRG photobook

Villagers injured by landmines, assisted by neighbours in southern Toungoo
[News Bulletin]
Oct 22nd, 2010
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Latest News Bulletins & Field Reports

Below are a set of links to the latest situation News Bulletins & Field Reports compiled from information received from Karen Human Rights Group field researchers.

Villagers injured by landmines, assisted by neighbours in southern ToungooOct 22nd, 2010
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Southern Papun District: Abuse and the expansion of military controlAug 30th, 2010
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Central Papun District: Village-level decision making and strategic displacementAug 27th, 2010
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Central Papun District: Abuse and the maintenance of military controlAug 23rd, 2010
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Southwestern Papun District: Transitions to DKBA control along the Bilin RiverAug 18th, 2010
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Village burnt and residents forced to relocate in Pa’an DistrictJun 4th, 2010
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SPDC shelling destroys villagers' rubber plantations in Dooplaya DistrictMay 20th, 2010
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Attacks on cardamom plantations, detention and forced labour in Toungoo DistrictMay 13th, 2010
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Latest Reports

Below are a set of links to all reports (except News Bulletins or Field Reports) released over the last year, compiled from information received from Karen Human Rights Group field researchers.

SPDC and DKBA order documents: January 2009 to June 2010  [Orders report]Sep 14th, 2010
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Supporting local responses to extractive abuse: Commentary on the ND-Burma report 'Hidden Impact'  [KHRG Commentary]Sep 6th, 2010
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Self-protection under strain: Targeting of civilians and local responses in northern Karen State  [Regional or Thematic report]Aug 31st, 2010
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Submission for the UN Universal Periodic Review: Human rights concerns in KHRG research areas  [Regional or Thematic report]Jul 6th, 2010
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KHRG Photo Gallery 2010  [Photoset]Jun 15th, 2010
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Patterns of Abuse: Photographs of rural life in a militarized Karen State  [Regional or Thematic report]Jan 6th, 2010
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Grave Violations: Assessing abuses of child rights in Karen areas during 2009  [Regional or Thematic report]Jan 3rd, 2010
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