This app searches Twitter for real-time snow reports and displays them on the map.
Join in!
Tweet the hashtag #uksnow, the first half of your postcode, and rate the snow that is falling out of ten (0/10 for nothing, 5/10 for steady snow and 10/10 for arctic blizzard conditions).
Optionally, you can include the depth of snow (cm or inches), attach a photo and add a description to your tweet.
A_Twitter_User#uksnow NG8 3/10 1cm - Just starting to snow3 minutes ago via TwitterIcon key
7/10 or more - Blizzard!
5/10 or 6/10 - Steady snowfall
3/10 or 4/10 - Light snowfall
1/10 or 2/10 - A few flakes
0/10 - No snow :(
The map automatically updates every minute
Alternative icons available in the settings panel.
Mobile version over at #uksnow Map Mobile
Got a suggestion or idea for the app? Tweet me!
Crafted by @benmarsh |
Looking to create something similar? I'm available to hire over at