Agenda (pdf, 116k)
Item: 1. Apologies
Item: 2. Declaration of personal interest
Item: 3. Urgent items
Item: 4.Item: 5.
Minutes of the last meeting (pdf, 169k)
Item: 6.
(a) Education Department Performance Report (pdf, 205k)
(b) Social Services Performance Report (pdf, 235k)
Item: 7.
Gwynedd Children and Young People Partnerhsip Annual Report (pdf, 84k)
Appendix 1 - Structure of Children and Young People Strategic Partnership (pdf, 25k)
Appendix 2 - Partnership Plan (pdf, 46k)
Appendix 3 - Monitoring Report (pdf, 43k)
Appendix 4 - Annual Report of Gwynedd Cymorth (pdf, 167k)
Appendix 5 (pdf, 52k)
Item: 8.
Report on Post-16 Transport Policy (pdf, 135k)
Appendix 1 (pdf, 97k)
Appendix 2 (pdf, 95k)
Appendix 3 (pdf, 102k)
Item: 10. Item: 11.
Progress report on the Fostering Programme (pdf, 236k)
Appendix 1 (pdf, 72k)
Appendix 2 (pdf, 54k)
Appendix 3 (pdf, 49k)
Item: 12.
Review of Gwynedd School Re-organistion Process (pdf, 160k)
Appendix 1 (pdf, 131k)
Appendix 2 (pdf, 114k)
Appendix 3 (pdf, 78k)
Report on Creating an Improving Schools Team (pdf, 101k)
Appendix 1 (pdf, 45k)
Appendix 3 (pdf, 164k)
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