Converseon was among the select companies that Forrester invited to participate in its recent independent report, "The Forrester Wave™: Listening Platforms, Q3 2010", Forrester Research, Inc., July 2010. In this evaluation, Converseon's suite of social listening tools (Conversation Miner™, Conversation Monitor™ and Conversation Manager™) was cited as a leader among listening platforms in the emerging social media intelligence industry.
The findings were based on a variety of criteria including data sources, textual analysis, functionality, consulting and analysis services, strength of management team and corporate and product strategy.
The Forrester Wave is copyrighted by Forrester Research, Inc. Forrester and Forrester Wave are trademarks of Forrester Research, Inc. The Forrester Wave is a graphical representation of Forrester's call on a market and is plotted using a detailed spreadsheet with exposed scores, weightings, and comments. Forrester does not endorse any vendor, product, or service depicted in the Forrester Wave. Information is based on best available resources. Opinions reflect judgment at the time and are subject to change.
Saturday, 7 August 2010
Forrester Listening Platform Leaders - Download Report
via converseon.com