Friday 18 June 2010

The Jeff Pulver Blog: Announcing JustCoz

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June 17, 2010

Announcing JustCoz

Sometimes a Cause needs to raise a voice. JustCoz invites people who want to make a difference to take word-of-mouth to another level. By opting in, Causes and the people who support them, now have the ability to share in ways we never before imagined.

JustCoz,, is simple and an easy-to-use platform which empowers Causes with the ability to send out messages on twitter thru their supporters twitter accounts.

The idea behind JustCoz came about when I was watching the worldwide outpouring of support for Haiti. Growing up as a ham radio operator, I was always proud of how the ham radio community provided a platform for emergency communications and was the one group who could be counted on to get a message out when all other forms of communication

Over the years, ham radio operators took it upon themselves to build a worldwide message relay network so that it was easy to take a message from one person and then rely this message to others thru a worldwide network of ham radio operators. And then it hit me that in the world we are living in today, where twitter has become a popular platform for communicating, I realized it would be pretty cool if someone could set themselves up to rely a message on behalf of a cause whose underlying message was something they were passionate about.

Three of the founding principals behind

1. Transparency - we strive to be as invisible as possible.

2. Neutrality - we accept any cause, as long as it meets certain objective standards.

3. Trust & Privacy - we want to do everything possible to protect the supporters so that they can lend their trust, to both our platform and to their causes.

JustCoz was developed by Jeff Pulver together with Ronen Raz and Yotam Troim.

If you know of any charities, not-for-profits or NGOs who might benefit from having their voice heard from the voices of their supporters, we would appreciate it if you could point them towards JustCoz,

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