Sunday, 5 June 2011

. . NCIA . . National Cannabis Industry Association • P.O. Box 78062 • Washington, DC 20013 • Phone: (202) 379-4861 • Fax: (202)232-0442 • ©Copyright 2011

Our Campaigns

Above all else, the National Cannabis Industry Association exists to represent the interests of legitimate and responsible cannabis-related businesses on the national stage. Our primary mission in this regard is to ensure that our members are treated like individuals and businesses in any other industry in this country. Cannabis-related businesses should not pay higher effective tax rates than other businesses or struggle to find bank accounts. And business owners certainly should not face the possibility of arrest and prosecution by federal authorities when they are acting in compliance with state law.

In addition to direct lobbying for changes in the law, NCIA promotes the economic benefits of the cannabis industry to an audience largely unfamiliar with the incredible progress being seen across the country. We want to make sure that the industry is given the credit it deserves for creating jobs, generating tax revenue and operating in a manner that best serves its customers, while respecting the concerns of other members of society. To this end, most of our energy is focused on lobbying in Washington, D.C.

Current Federal Policy Objectives


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