Letter to MP Nadine Dorries - Cannabis Comments / Lies
by Isaac Redeye on Sunday, 05 June 2011 at 16:10Dear Ms Dorries,
I am writing to you to show my disgust at your recent comments below :
"...they startled me when they told me that the 'cut' of cannabis that teenagers are smoking now... is actually 50 times more potent than it was even a year ago, because of the different drugs that are coming in and being put into it and it only takes a teenager one 'spliff' or one 'joint' or whatever they refer to it now to smoke and they will never reach their full academic potential, because it is so dangerous..."
It seems to me that you hold absolutely no knowledge on this subject at all. Cannabis isn't 50 times more potent than a year ago, if it was then I'm sure I would have heard of this super strength cannabis long before now. I do hold an open mind though, if you can provide proof of this (such as the strain name, the company that makes the seed and the chemical profile for the plant that would come from that seed) and show it to me I would be grateful, however you will be searching for it for a long time, because I strongly believe that it doesn't exist. If you can't provide proof for your statement that "cannabis is 50 times stronger than a year ago", then what qualified you to make that statement, and further why make it?
I'm a bit confused about one part of your statement where you say "50 times more potent than it was even a year ago, because of the different drugs that are coming in and being put into it", are you implying that people who are cultivating cannabis are feeding their cannabis plants with drugs? If so then you really are one hell of an incompetent MP. If you were to feed cannabis with anything other than what it needs (N,P,K - nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium) then the plant would die. What do you think they are doing, feeding their plants with heroin to get the kids hooked or something?
With the current situation as it is with regards to cannabis prohibition, it is the government that is at fault, you whine and lie about the unfounded dangers of cannabis, yet the very laws that are in place to 'protect' children from drugs are the very laws that put drugs into the hands of these children. Not only that but you send out mixed messages, such as putting cannabis in the same class as amphetamines, cannabis is nowhere near as harmful as amphetamines, in fact cannabis is benign and is a health promoting preventative and curative medicine for over a hundred ailments. Whilst I agree that children and teenagers brains are developing and need to be kept drug free (especially alcohol and tobacco free, which may I add you don't seem to have an issue with, even though they both kill hundreds of thousands of British citizens yearly and are gateway drugs for children) I don't believe keeping cannabis illegal is the way forward. The cannabis industry should be regulated and taxed like the alcohol industry, that way it would be harder for kids to get their hands on cannabis, a lot harder than it currently is anyway. You could have steep penalties and possible jail terms for people that abused their positions and sold cannabis to minors, similar to how it works with alcohol.
There is currently bundles of scientific data out there showing the health benefits of cannabis, so why do you MP's constantly ignore it? There are reports that cannabis oil can cure cancer, why isn't my government looking into this, do you care about your citizens of Great Britain or do you only care about the power that you wish to hold onto for the next fours years after the next election, or are you worried about the amount of revenue you would lose if cannabis was legalised, such as the taxes you make from big pharma, power companies, alcohol and tobacco companies, all of which would be dealt a massive blow if cannabis was to be legalised? You do know that there are innocent people dying, suffering and sitting in jail because of the farce that is the 'war on drugs' don't you, and when people like you come out with comments such as the one above, you have their blood on your hands and you should be held accountable for your actions. Up until recently I have been a passive citizen that has let you and your colleagues get away with this for too long, and in that respect that same blood I said was on your hands has actually been on my hands as well, well that stops today, right here, right now!
Not only have you made absurd allegations such as the one above, but David Cameron has, David Burrowes has...and so have many others, the fog of lies you MP's tell on a regular basis is beginning to clear, when it does I hope the people who have put their blood, sweat, freedom and tears into getting the cannabis laws repealed channel their energies into exposing people such as yourself for the lies and propaganda you have spread and the misery you have caused. You should hang your head in shame, alternatively you could actually look at the mountains of scientifc empirical evidence that support the cannabis laws being repealed and actively take part in promoting them, maybe, just maybe then might you gain some respect back from me and the millions of other voters that you have lied to and failed.
No victim, no crime. Repeal the cannabis laws!
Isaac Redeye.
Sunday, 5 June 2011
Letter to MP Nadine Dorries - Cannabis Comments / Lies - Isaac Redeye - Facebook Notes
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