Indigenous Rights
This page is dedicated to the memory of Global Voices author Paulina Aguilera Muñoz.
Table of Contents
- Latest Global Voices Indigenous People Posts
- Explore by Region - including online resources
There are up to 370 million indigenous people in the world, speaking more than 4,000 languages, and living in more than 70 countries. Indigenous peoples have resisted time, colonization, genocide, epidemics and wars, and are now reemerging with louder voices across the globe. In the struggle for survival and recognition, they use the Internet to connect with other citizens in their countries and worldwide.
Global Voices Online actively seeks the voices of indigenous peoples in online citizen media around the world. See also our special coverage, Forest Focus: Amazon.
Please contact Silvia Viñas if you have links or story ideas from any part of the world, or are an indigenous organisation that wants to be added to our resources list.
What we do: Global Voices bloggers report on how citizens use the internet and social media to make their voices heard, often translating from other languages.
RSSLatest Global Voices Indigenous People Posts
- Brazil: After All There is a Place for Belo Monte Dam 2 June 2011
- Peru: Growing Debate Regarding Genetically Modified Farming 28 May 2011
- Peru: Protests Against Mining Projects in Puno 28 May 2011
- Ukraine: Proposal to Declare Crimean Tatar Deportation “Genocide” 26 May 2011
- FSU: Deportations of Crimean Tatars and Soviet Colonialism 19 May 2011
South America
Featured South America Posts
- Colombia: Indigenous Communities Protect Food Security (31 Mar 2011)
- Bolivia’s Conflicting Stance With USA on Coca (29 Mar 2011)
- Brazil: Eradicating the Indigenous Guarani Kaiowa (16 Nov 2010)
South America Resources
Bolivia | Brazil | Chile | Chile: Mapuche People | Colombia | Ecuador | Paraguay | South America
- Bolivia Rising [en] - News and analysis about the Bolivian indigenous revolution for English speakers
- Indigenous Bolivia [en] - Blog
- Povos Indigenos no Brasil [en] - Indigenous people of Brazil information site
- Programa de Indio [pt] - Site that hosts episodes of a weekly radio program from the 80's that broadcast the voice and the thought of Brazilian indigenous people
- Vídeo nas Aldeias (VNA, Video in the Villages) [pt, en] - A pioneer project in the field of indigenous audiovisual production since 1987 in Brazil
- Centro de Políticas Públicas [es] - Group promoting the participation of indigenous communities and organizations in public policy decisions that affect them
- Observatorio Ciudadano [es] - Nongovernmental organization promoting advocacy, promotion and documentation of indigenous rights
Chile: Mapuche People
- Azintuwe [es] - Improving access of indigenous communities and social organizations to the news media
- Comunicaciones Mapuche Kalbun [es] - News, photos, videos, articles, research, culture and worldview of the Mapuche people
- Mapuche International Link [en] - Site aims to highlight the current situation of the Mapuche people
- Mapuche Kilapan Group [es] - Mapuche political blog
- Meli Wixan Mapu [es] - Mapuche advocacy organization
- Newen Mapu [es] - Blog
- País Mapuche [es] - Mapuche struggle website
- Situación Mapuche [es] - Coordination for the liberation of Mapuche political prisoners
- Werken Kvrvf [es] - Website to contribute to the process of autonomy of the Mapuche Nation
- Asociación de Cabildos Indígenas del Norte del Cauca, ACIN [es] - Regional Indigenous Council of Cauca
- Orewa [es] - Association of Indigenous Wounaan, Embera Dobida, Katie, Chami and Tule Chocó
- Sarayaku [es] - Official site of the Pueblo Kichwa of Sarayaku
- Coordinadora por la Autodeterminación de los Pueblos Indígenas, CAPI [es] - Nine years in the defense of indigenous peoples of Paraguay
- Instituto Paraguayo del Indígena [es] - Paraguayan Institute of Indigenous Peoples
South America
- Centro Yachak [es] - Blog to promote Andean culture and spirituality
- Culturas de la Tierra [es] - Site to recognize and preserve ancestral knowledge of the first inhabitants of the earth
- Derechos Indígenas [es] - Bartolomé Clavero, Member of the United Nations Permanent Forum on Indigenous Issues
- El Caimán Emplumado [es] - Self-empowerment for indigenous Americas
- El Vigía del Mundo [es] - Group of young people interested in rescuing original heritage (Indian and Afro-Cuban) in the Americas
- Grupo de Estudios Culturales Nuestra América [es] - Cultural study group of Americas
- Hutukara Yanomami Association [pt] - Founded in 2004, Hutukara (meaning “the part of the sky from which the earth is born”) runs a bilingual education project to help the Yanomami defend their communities while demanding for the improvement of their life conditions, health, education and culture
- Indian Country Today [en] - Media for all Native Americans and indigenous peoples
- Indigenous Rights Movement Radio [en]
- Indios Online [pt] - A meeting point for intercultural dialogue and exchange, within seven indigenous “nations” and for the general society: Kiriri, Tupinambá, Pataxó-Hãhãhãe, Tumbalalá in Bahia, Xucuru-Kariri, Kariri-Xocó in Alagoas and Pankararu in Pernambuco
- La Paradoja de la Percepción [es] - Alternative culture blog
- Mujeres Indígenas Hoy [es] - Indigenous women today
- Paxi Quillan Nacion Milenaria [es]
- Pueblos Originarios [es] - Native Peoples website
- Servicios en Comunicación Intercultural, Servindi [es] - Servindi Intercultural Communication Services news
- South and Meso American Indian Rights Center [en] - Linking Indian peoples of the Americas
- Ukhamawa Noticias [es] - News network to increase awareness about indigenous issues
- Viento Jíbaro [es]
Central America
Featured Central America Posts
- Guatemala: Maximón and Other Holy Week Traditions (21 Apr 2011)
- Panama: Spanish Journalist Deported (07 Mar 2011)
- Guatemala: Indigenous Teacher and Artist Murdered (27 Aug 2010)
Central America Resources
Guatemala | Nicaragua | Panama | Central America
- Aprendiendo K'iche' [es] - Learn the language K'iche on the Internet
- Centro Cultural Sotz'il Jay [es] - Cakchiquel Mayan music and dance
- Turkulka [es] - Website of the indigenous languages of the Chibchan family spoken by the Rama people on the island of Rama Cay and south of lake Bluefields on the Atlantic Coast of Nicaragua
- Comarca Kuna Yala [es] - Official website of the Kuna peoples
- History of education of the native peoples of Abya Yal [es]
North America
Featured North America Posts
- USA: Native Americans Take Offense at Osama Nickname (10 May 2011)
- Mexico: Indigenous People Denounce Mining Project on Sacred Site (26 Dec 2010)
- Canada: The ‘Disappearance' of Native Women (07 Sep 2010)
North America Resources
- Aboriginal Canada Portal [en, fr]
- @UBCIC - Union of British Columbia Indian Chiefs was founded in 1969 to fight Canada's White Paper and to defend Indigenous Title & Rights
- Corresponsales Indígenas [es] - Mexican indigenous people's news
- Jesuitas En Tarahumara [es] - Work of the Jesuit community in the Sierra Tarahumara
- Lenguas Minorizadas Nacionales [es] - Indigenous languages of Mexico
- Mayan Voices and Interculturality [en] - Mayan voices and interculturality
- Pueblo Indigena [es]
- Native American Culture [en] - Blog
- Native American Rights Fund [en] - Provides legal representation and technical assistance to Indian tribes, organizations and individuals
- Native American Sites [en] - Collection of links
- Urban Native Girl Stuff [en] - Culture with an indigenous twist
Featured Asia Posts
- Japan: Sanka, Legendary Gypsies Living in the Wild (05 May 2011)
- Bangladesh: Netizens Protest Human Rights Abuse in the Hills (21 Apr 2011)
- Taiwan: Social Media Makes Indigenous Voices Loud and Clear (09 Mar 2011)
Asia Resources
- Asia Indigenous Peoples Pact [en] - Organization of indigenous peoples' movement in Asia
- Asia Indigenous Peoples Pact on Facebook [en] - To strengthen the struggles, cooperation and solidarity among indigenous peoples across Asia
- Asian Indigenous Women’s Network [en]
- Asian Indigenous and Tribal Peoples Network (AITPN) [en] - Alliance of indigenous and tribal peoples' organisations and individual activists across the Asian region
Featured Global Posts
- Nigeria: Remembering an Activist, Fifteen Years After his Execution (13 Nov 2010)
- France: Racism and Politics (19 Aug 2010)
- Algeria: Indigenous March for Autonomy (17 Jan 2010)
Global Resources
- @indigenousissue - Working on indigenous peoples issues around the world
- - Indigenous language users on Twitter
- @IndigMapNetwork - Dynamic supportive professional network for Indigenous / Native American / First Nations / Tribal / Aboriginal map and GIS enthusiasts
- @Survival - We help tribal peoples defend their lives, protect their lands and determine their own futures
- Amnesty International: indigenous peoples: dispossessed and in danger [en]
- Boing Boing TV:BBTv World - Indigenous archives
- Cultural Survival [en] - Partnering with indigenous peoples to defend their lands, languages and cultures
- First Peoples Worldwide - Indigenous peoples' news updates from around the world
- ImagineNative film festival [en]
- Indigenous Mapping Network [en] - Mission to empower native communities by connecting them with the tools they need to protect, preserve, and enhance their way of life within their aboriginal territories
- Indigenous Peoples and Agriculture (IFAD) [en]
- Indigenous People's Issues and Resources
[en] - News, reports, videos, articles and more on indigenous people from around the world- Indigenous Peoples Literature [en]
- Indigenous Peoples of Africa Coordinating Committee website
- Indigenous Portal [en] - A focal point where indigenous content will be available from our peoples and other stakeholders
- Intercontinental Cry [en] - Journal on the struggles of indigenous peoples
- Global Oneness Video [en] - Video resources
- Minority Rights Group International [en]
- Native Planet [en] - Preserving cultures, empowering people
- Native Web [en] - Resources for indigenous cultures around the world
- Review of the Indigenous Caribbean [en]
- Survival International [en] - Movement for tribal peoples
- The HUB / Witness [en] - UN Forum on Indigenous Issues
- The Voice of the Taino People Online [en] - Syndicated Indigenous News Service dedicated to increasing the visibility of Taino and other Native Peoples from throughout the Caribbean region
- United Nations Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples [en]
- UNESCO portal for languages in education [en]
- World Bank and Indigenous Peoples [en]
- UNESCO LINKS (Local and Indigenous Knowledge Systems) - The LINKS project is an interdisciplinary UNESCO initiative that cuts across the Organization’s programme sectors in the following locations [all en]: