Daffni Online
I am a writer, translator and poet.
I was born in 1932, trained as a nurse and worked in childcare until invalided out. During my childcare years, feeling that I needed to do something for a few hours a week that did not involve children, I enrolled in an evening class to learn Russian. Years before I had learned the alphabet as an antidote to boredom while off sick with a broken bone in my neck. Harlow New Town Had a college which taught a wonderfully long list of languages and it seemed a pity to waste the alphabet Then I fell in love with the language.I took an honours degree in Russian as a mature student and then spent 15 years running an International Centre in Exeter and simultaneously teaching English as a foreign language to make ends meet. Both careers were endlessly fascinating. The International Centre, which was not-for-profit, provided me with invitations all over the world but absolutely no cash or time to accept them.
I moved to North Wales in 1985 after years of commuting there whenever possible for snatched days, having fallen in love with the country in my youth.My adoptive country has become my muse. I shares my home with three border collies, three pet sheep and about a dozen ducks. Partially retired, I still teach Russian, French and Welsh crash courses from time to time here in my ancient stone farmhouse.
As well as writing poetry in English, I have translated poems from both Russian and Welsh. I have always read and written poetry but only started to submit and publish since moving to Wales.
Monday, 6 June 2011
Daffni Online | Merilang Press Books, Snowdonia, Collies and Poetry
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