Monday, 6 June 2011

10 Worst Places « Apartheid Fort New Zealand

World’s 10 Worst Holiday Destinations to Avoid

The following list is based on the frequency of foreign visitors being

  • Murdered
  • Killed in road “accidents”
  • Raped
  • Seriously assaulted
  • Mugged
  • Robbed
  • Verbally assaulted
  • Food poisoned
  • Ripped off

The list also takes into account the following factors:

  • Exposure to deadly chemicals
  • Exposure to viral infections
  • Unsanitary food, accommodation
  • Exposure to sewage contaminated beaches and waterways
  • Little or NO access to even rudimentary medical facilities in the case of record numbers of deadly road crashes, and inordinate number of deaths and near-fatal injuries caused by using defective equipment for climbing, tramping, paragliding, bungy jumping, skiing, canoeing, diving and all other mountain, snow, water sports and outdoor activities
  • Deadly roads
  • Defective, old, poorly maintained rental cars, quad-bikes, jet skis, and all other sports equipment
  • Inadequate or NO supervision in venues where extreme sports are touted
  • Little or NO warning posted in dangerous  places and unsafe areas that pose a life threat, or serious injuries, to the visitors, but are invariably advertised as “popular hot spots” to lure unsuspecting foreign visitors

Also included: Complaints from foreign tourists visiting New Zealand who have been physically and verbally assaulted, bullied, intimidated, threatened with physical violence, racially abused, looked down upon and discriminated against because of their race, nationality, skin “color,” speaking a foreign language, or even speaking English with the “wrong” accent.

The List of 10 Places NOT to Visit

1. New Zealand

2. New Zealand

3. New Zealand

4. New Zealand

5. New Zealand

6. New Zealand

7. New Zealand

8. Gaza Strip, Iraq and Afghanistan

9. Mexico; Brazil (Sao Paulo); South Korea (especially Seoul and Busan)

10. Malta;  Norway (colored people NOT welcome); Finland (see Norway); Tunisia; China [especially on a NZ Passport]; UK (Brighton, London, Liverpool & Manchester); Finland; Ireland; Denmark (especially if you have a suntan); Israel; NYC; Disney World, Orlando, Florida.

Related Links:

Did you know that between January 1, 2000 and May 1, 2009 at least 1,529 foreigners were killed in New Zealand? [The 450 permanently missing American, Japanese, Korean, Chinese ... nationals are not included] That is as many as 36 percent of all US troops killed in Iraq during a comparable period. [Between March 2003 and April 30, 2009 at least 4,282 US military personnel were killed in Iraq—officially acknowledged.]

As much as 81 percent [or more] of the tourist rapes in New Zealand either go unreported, or the victims are intimidated by the police to drop complaints.

Avoid having your sweethearts raped and robbed! Don’t take them to New Zealand!

If you thought it would be safe for you to visit New Zealand because you are not a female, think again!

Are Japanese students smarter than other foreign students planning on going to New Zealand? decide for yourself.

The average road deaths for 2009 is reaching 3 dead (and many seriously injured) per day. You are up to 12 times more likely to be killed on New Zealand’s deadly roads than in  safer countries.

Read the contents of all links on the above page before you even think about traveling to New Zealand. (And don’t forget the seasonal flu outbreaks in the Southern Hemisphere starts about the beginning of May, each year).

Watch out for the New Zealander with the spade. Mr Jae Hyeon Kim’s head was chopped off with a spade in late 2003. He was buried for five years before the police was forced to search for his body after they received an anonymous tip.

Climatological and Geological Warning! The New Zealand area is about to experience significant climatological events and large-scale geological and tectonic activity. Would be visitors are advised to stay out of the area for the foreseeable future.

In New Zealand at least one serious crime for every 6 people aged between 15 to 60 was committed in 2008.

Much of New Zealand food is “contaminated with disease-causing bacteria and viruses as a result of over-crowded factory farming conditions and unhygienic processing plants.”Green Party of New Zealand Report

Welcome to Raw New Zealand where anything can happen!

In New Zealand a host of surprises always awaits you:

  1. Diarrhea, stomach cramps, fever, nausea, vomiting and headache
  2. MRSA Infections
  3. Raw Sewage Contamination
  4. Salmonella
  5. E.coli detected in milk, listeria in yogurt
  6. Outbreaks of Norovirus
  7. New Zealand Bird Flu
  8. High Risks of Harmful Bacterial Contamination on NZ Beaches
  9. Elevated Risk of Human Leptospirosis Infection
  10. Outbreak of Dangerous Group A Streptococcus Bacterium
  11. Outbreak of Staphylococcus Aureus
  12. Outbreaks of  mystery bacterium
  13. Outbreak of Viral Gastroenteritis
  14. Outbreak of Salmonella Mbandaka
  15. Don’t Take Your Children To New Zealand
  16. Toxic Honey Poisoning
  17. Food infected with Listeria
  18. Sewage contaminated beaches
  19. Toxic blue-green algae (cyanobacteria)
  20. Exposure to Compound 1080
  21. Exposure to Bromoethane
  22. Hep C Victims Still NO Compensation
  23. Exposure to Excessive UV Radiation

See also:  World’s Worst Cities for individual ratings

Did YOU know?

More foreigners are violently murdered or killed in New Zealand than in any other country in the world with the exception of Iraq.

  • Between Jan 1, 2000 and October 6, 2009 at least 1,617 foreigners were killed in New Zealand.

  • [The 450+ foreigners who are missing in New Zealand without a trace, are not included!] 

  • No. of U.S. Soldiers killed in occupied Iraq up to October 6, 2009 : 4,349 personnel.

  • Twice More Likely to Get Killed in NZ in 2009-10

New Zealand Deadlier for Foreigners than Afghanistan

No. of Foreigners Killed in New Zealand from January 1, 2000 to October 6, 2009: At least 1,617
Coalition Military Fatalities between 2001 and October 6, 2009 : 1,452

105 Responses to “10 Worst Places”

  1. john brown said

    [Racial profiling. Edited by Moderator.]

  2. Mr Chips said

    Do you have a statistically verifiable source on this? A study, or at the very least an independently issued report?

  3. te2ataria said

    Check the contents of this blog. All items of information provided here are verifiable.

  4. Mr Chips said

    I’ve read through most of the contents of this blog, and most of it doesn’t cite it’s sources, or use unverifiable ones (ie, they don’t cite anything either).

    It seems like a fair bit of non-objective rewriting goes on as well, so I’d just like to see where you get these statistics from, or if they’re just opinion rather than published fact.

  5. te2ataria said

    Select five examples where you believe no source is cited, if you need further clarification.

  6. Mr Chips said

    Oh, just to add to that – I know you’ve linked a lot of news stories, but I was to see the statistical evidence that NZ has a higher per-capita incidence of rape/assault/murder/other stuff you’ve listed up there of foreigners than any other country….

    Its all well and good to link the stories themselves, but without objective comparison I’m not prepared to just take your work for it…

  7. te2ataria said

    The blog uses tourist murder and rape data from other countries where available/applicable.

    You are ultimately responsible for your belief system.

  8. Garry said

    This is a very interesting website and divulges many personal character insights of the author. I use this site for my students in the study of psychological profiling. Psyc students are asked to profile the author and report the emotional mental state with very interesting results. Keep up the good work.


    Dr G

  9. te2ataria said

    You are no more a university professor than I’m a brain surgeon. But I allow your message because it shows you’re loosing it.

    Dr TEAA [LOL]

  10. Angus said

    [Message Edited. TEAA]

  11. te2ataria said


  12. kimjung said

    My name is Kim and I am from south korea. I moved to NZ witj my wife and two kids on June 2005 under skilled match program and we were permanent residence of NZ. I had a good job in Hamilton city, my son was going to school and my daughter was going to kindy.On August 2008 my son kidnapped and kidnapper contacted me and asked for 1 million NZ$. I sold everything that I had and borrowed money from my family in Korea and paid to kidnappers. I could get back my kid two weeks later. Kidnappers left him in westfield shopping centre in Chartwell, Hamilton. We left NZ 2 days after that and again we are living in Korea. Later I found out kidnappers have very good connection with police in Hamilton, I actually met one of that guy to pay the money and he is an officer in Hamilton central police. Very sad story but I am happy to have my son alive.
    This was my experience with NZ and never ever go to that country again.
    Thanks for reading this, I could not tell this to anybody when we were in NZ, now we live in Korea and two years has passed and I feel safe now.It was too dangerous to tell this story in NZ…
    New Zealand is a beautiful country but unfortunately not a good country to live.

  13. te2ataria said

    Mr Kim – I have no reason to doubt the authenticity of your story because it is consistent with the overall picture of what is happening in New Zealand, and will therefore publish it.

    Have you told your story to the Korean govt., police, the media or anyone else who could corroborate it?

    Could you provide any more information concerning the names and details of any of the perpetrators who kidnapped your son?

    Please keep in touch.
    Cheers – TEAA

  14. kiwiinuk said

    [Garbage! Edited by Moderator.]

  15. kiwiinuk said

    [Edited. See previous comment. Moderator.]

  16. overseas said

    Great site…..keep up the good work….truth needs to be told…about discrimination in NZ society which according to me is a sick society…

  17. pete kiley said

    re UNITED previous New Zealand PM Helen clark.
    “If it’s not at government level, then at the consumer level you run into resistance. Protecting the brand image of your country as clean and green is critical; critical for tourism, critical for our food exports, for industry, for exports.

    this statement by helen clark see url:
    Exactly what we wanted for your book, how more blatant can it be.

    Helen Clark speaks with fork tongue..She was aware of this issue from the outset,and did nothing to help us.She watched my young daughters grow up in turmoil, poverty,health issues and abuse due to this issue.I sent her many emails calling her a tyrant, still no response from her.
    Ive since emailed the UN stating my disgust to them on employing her.
    No reply from the UN.
    The UN now being ‘a party’ to this 14 years ‘cover up’.

    I will seek to set the highest ethical standard. The good name of the United Nations is one of its most valuable assets – but also one of its most vulnerable. The Charter calls on staff to uphold the highest levels of efficiency, competence and integrity, and I will seek to ensure to build a solid reputation for living up to that standard.

    Address to the General Assembly on taking the oath of office (14 Dec. 2006)
    We must hold all UN employees to the highest standards of integrity and ethical behaviour. On this, I have sought to set an early example, by submitting financial disclosure statement to the UN Ethics Office, for standard external review by Pricewaterhouse Coopers… But all the financial disclosures in the world will mean very little if we do not bolster our ethical standards – and our implementation of them – both at Headquarters and in the field.

    Address to the Center for Strategic and International Studies in Washington, D.C. (16 Jan. 2007).

    THE BOOK youtube ST CLAIR VINEYARD chemical spray drift poisoning videos,ACC claim won NEWSPAPER ARTICLE

    part 1

    part 2

    part 3

    night spraying and skin rashes

    New Zealand TV. The FAIR GO Show


    My contact details are pete kiley 17 nursery lane seddon marlborough new zealand phone 03-5757778 mobile 0273188026 For more information google/yahoo search pete kiley OR seddon motor camp

    A brain-damaged Marlborough man has won his battle for compensation for harm caused by wine industry herbicides. Seddon motorcamp owner Pete Kiley has lived next to vineyards since buying the camping ground near Blenheim in 1993.
    Kiley, 60, filed a claim with the Accident Compensation Corporation (ACC) in 2005 over brain damage he believed was caused by chemicals blowing over the fence from vineyards.The ACC has approved his claim after a neuropsychologist confirmed Kiley had dementia caused by exposure to agricultural chemicals.Kiley’s claim is one of a few involving long-term herbicide exposure approved because of the difficulty in proving damage was from herbicides.Kiley was thrilled about the ACC decision, which vindicated his claims of poisoning.”I feel like I’ve been fighting for so long and nobody believed me,” he said. “The sad thing is that I wish I was believed years ago and I wouldn’t have gotten so sick or lost my marriage and possibly my home over it.”Kiley said his marriage broke up several years ago as a result of his sickness, as well as his determination to have his poisoning claim acknowledged.One of his two teenage daughters also had health problems, which he attributed to exposure to chemicals.Kiley said he closed his business several years ago because of poor health, and visitors were complaining about smelling chemicals at the holiday retreat.An ACC spokesman confirmed Kiley’s claim had been accepted, and the corporation was now working through compensation details.The ACC letter sent to Kiley approving his claim said it could “contribute towards the cost of your medical treatment and other entitlements you may need”.Wellington lawyer and ACC expert John Miller said that as well as payment of medical expenses, Kiley could be eligible for up to $100,000 in compensation for the loss of some of his functions.ACC-approved doctor Toni Marks, who assessed Kiley’s health for the government body, said in his report that it was likely Kiley suffered neurotoxic brain damage from “agricultural chemicals present in vineyard sprays”.Kiley blamed the chemicals Paraquat and glyphosate-trimesium for his illness.Marks’ report said that within months of Kiley buying the camping ground, vineyards were planted around it and his family’s health was affected.Since then, Kiley’s medical problems included a change in his gait, where he missed steps, nausea, headaches, persistent tiredness and conjunctivitis, the report said.A neuropsychological assessment by another physician found Kiley had “impaired intellectual functioning”, said the report.An ACC spokesman said it dealt with about 10 to 15 claims of agricultural poisoning a year, of which about two were related to the wine industry.New Zealand Winegrowers sustainable wine growing co-ordinator, Sally van der Zijpp, said the industry was rapidly moving towards the use of less toxic herbicides.She said winegrowers signed up to the sustainable growing scheme – about 70 per cent of the total – were banned from using Paraquat because it was extremely toxic to humans.
    Roundup was still used by most winegrowers.

  18. Expert said

    It’s very difficult to beleive that New Zealand is worst that the third world countries. Though author has cited that he has based his conclusion on the basis of some reports from other countries, but he should also give us the link of the studies so that there should not be any doubt or confusion.

  19. Huia Siataga said

    I am a New Zealand-indigenous woman. Seven months ago-I moved to Australia. After a couple of months, I rang my daughter-Darla and she informed me that-things were happening full on-in regards to murders taking place over there. It is very sad, that I am hearing this type of news- on the other hand, this does not come as a surprise to me. Before I came to live in Australia-Perth-I was troubled by the amount of murders that were on the increase then. What a shame it is-what is happening to people? Something is terribly wrong. I believe there is a cloud hanging over my country-a very dark one-our children are killing themselves…Gods children we need to pray-and trust that God will move in the hearts of all people living in New Zealand. The answer is in our hands! Pray!

  20. te2ataria said

    Where there’s an independent study, I’d publish it. For example:

    The problem is that those reports are far and few in between.

    All other information that the blog receives is painstakingly put together and compared against what we hear in this country.

    With that being said, the following news on your fellow countryman was just released by the Big Brother:

    Read the contents of this blog carefully, count the number of Indian people who have been murdered [or killed,] say in the past 12 months, multiply the number by a factor of FIVE, to get the true figure, then compare it with the number of Indians who have been murdered/killed in any other tourist destination globally, and you’ll have your answer.

    If you know of any reliable, independent report that provides detailed accounts of the worst tourist destinations in the world, this block would print it, or link to it.

  21. te2ataria said

    Tēnā koe

    Dear Huia — thank you for sharing your thoughts. The problem in our sacred land, as you well know and need no introduction to, is the pakeha plague; its their rape and murder culture, their thieving genes, laughable war machine, sad “justice” system, the police farce, their foreign govt, their hamburger joints and “soft” drinks, drug habits… but above all their defective minds that make them believe they are masters of the land!

    So let’s put them all on their ferries and boats, and send them sailing to their home countries. Aotearoa would be sacred again without them.

    See also:

    Kia ora!

  22. greenfruitcake said

    How does some guy over taking another car and killing themselves reflect on New Zealand.

  23. te2ataria said

    Let’s get the facts right, first!

    If you were killed after being pushed out of the road by a racist thug who didn’t like the color of your face, then the ‘kiwi factor’ does matter!

  24. siddhartha said

    i was planning to come to new zealand for education ………but after reading about the growth of crime rates out there i dropped my plan ……..can u give me a good reason ,so that i change my mind ……..and can u justify the murder of navjit singh

  25. te2ataria said

    Part of intelligence is the act of learning from observation, and experience of other people.

  26. AussO said

    o o

    im a big wheel

  27. AH said

    I read somewhere that although the overall crime rate in NZ was high, violent crime (rapes, murders and kidnappings) was lower than in most other western countries and more crimes were reported to police than elsewhere.

  28. te2ataria said

    You read wrong!


  29. ethiopian jew said

    [Edited. TEAA]

  30. te2ataria said

    ethiopian jew

    If you have something sensible and honest to say, I’d allow it but you don’t, do you!

  31. TheGerman said

    I think this site is interessting and has some truth to it. After living in Aoteaora for 3 years I unfortunatly had to move back to germany. I love the Land and the People and if I can, I’ll come back.I am back in Germany now for a few month and i did not hear about half the amount of Hardcore crimes than i heared in the Kiwi news in this time, and germany has about 20 times mor people than Ateaora on a slightly biger Landmass.

    But I would say if you delete racist posts, you should also delet or rewrite this one.
    What you are saying is in other words: “Fu*king foreners leave the country”
    Wich is a kind of Racism because you belong to a race and you think and say this other race or what ever you want to call it is not as good, great or peacey as yours.

    I think you should keep up this work and wish you all the the best. but think about what you write about racism.
    I understand ur position as far as i can with out ever been occupied or humillitate by an other race or other colored people.
    The german.

  32. te2ataria said

    Thank you for visiting the blog, and I appreciate your candid comments.
    You are of course right about the difference between Germany and New Zealand when it comes down to serious crimes.

    Whereas Germany is home to University of Heidelberg, the pissant pakeha have Otago “university.”

    This blog is not racist because it doesn’t target, say, Germans, Brits, Dutch or even the Irish.

    The blog is against the murderous, rapists, rustlers and land thieves who happen to come from Europe. If pakeha were Martians, the narrative would be almost exactly the same.

    Best wishes,

  33. James Robertson said

    So many un-truths it’s laughable!!!

  34. te2ataria said

    Name one of them, one-liner spammer!

  35. Daniel Johnston said

    [Profanity removed. Readers more intelligent than you, and that includes a very large number of people, express their views politely because what they say matters to them, and they expect a response. Moderator]

  36. Seti said

    Even the most rudimentary check on Wiki shows NZ being 84th on the most recent homicide list per 100,000 inhabs, behind noteables such as China, Switzerland, South Korea, Finland, UK…

    Agenda much?

  37. te2ataria said

    I seem to recall SIS disinformation pimps removing NZ 1080 information from wiki pages.
    Could it be that the same low-life team is also doctoring other pages on NZ?

    With that being said, what percentage of the murders, road kills and rapes that occur in this country do you think the police/media reports?

  38. Seti said

    [EYHO. Moderator]

  39. te2ataria said

    But before doing that, and well prior to going around shooting your mouth off about “human rights,” I suggest you read:

    and the brief follow on at

  40. Seti said

    [Impertinent remarks. You've been banned from this blog. Moderator]

  41. NZer said


  42. NZer said


  43. NZer said

    [You've been banned from this site for spamming. M]

  44. hipeter924 said

  45. 5ive! said

    [Edited. See the reply I gave to your other comment. Moderator]

  46. 5ive! said

    [Edited. Learn some manners, if you want to be heard on this blog. TEAA]

  47. David said

  48. RM24 said

    Please don’t stop sending your people to our fair shores, who else are we going to kill if foreigners stop coming here. We want to be the subject of the next hostel movie, so if you want a scene dedicated to you, come and we’ll see what we can do.

  49. te2ataria said

    I presume this is tongue-in-cheek and “dark humor” so I’ll allow it.

  50. Cam said

    I am from NZ, and I am not: a rapist, high on any subtance, a murderer, a paedophile, a child abuser, school drop-out, asthma or obesity sufferer, my girlfriend (who is a teenager (As am I, so please don’t all me a paedophile)) is not pregnant, I don’t have melonoma, and I don’t plan on commiting suicide in the near future. Nor do I know anyone who is. Nor do I know of anyone who is ‘out to get’ tourists, as you suggest, you even in one instance put inverted commas around road death ‘accidents’. Tourism is one of NZ’s largest export industries, why would we want to destroy it by murdering tourists? You, moderater, clearly have an adgenda, and I note that you have removed A LOT of posts on this page, obviously ones with a view point differing from your own. I have no doubt my post will follow them into oblivion.

  51. te2ataria said

    “I am from NZ, and I am not: a rapist, high on any subtance, a murderer, a paedophile, a child abuser, school drop-out, asthma or obesity sufferer, my girlfriend (who is a teenager (As am I, so please don’t all me a paedophile)) is not pregnant, I don’t have melonoma, and I don’t plan on commiting suicide in the near future.”

    Only have your word for it!

    “Nor do I know anyone who is. Nor do I know of anyone who is ‘out to get’ tourists, as you suggest, you even in one instance put inverted commas around road death ‘accidents’.”

    The advertising media publishes what is a fraction of incidents involving tourists. We analyze, upgrade and represent those news with own knowledge and that of our insiders in the government to help protect the unsuspecting tourists.

    “Tourism is one of NZ’s largest export industries, why would we want to destroy it by murdering tourists?”

    Whatever your reasons might be, and from time to time we venture to analyze the criminal mindset, the facts are the facts; we document and broadcast the findings.

    Up until now, people clearly thought they could get away with murder, and they did. This blog is the first of its kind to warn the tourists about the dangers that await them in New Zealand.

    “You, moderater, clearly have an adgenda, and I note that you have removed A LOT of posts on this page, obviously ones with a view point differing from your own. I have no doubt my post will follow them into oblivion.”

    You’re wrong on this one too because your email was published and replied to!

    Profane messages will be disallowed. See also

    If you send another comment with as many spelling mistakes [I counted at least seven] it might be disallowed.

  52. MichaelW said


  53. Cam said

    [Repetitive argument. Edited. Moderator. ]

  54. A New Zealand European said

  55. A New Zealand European said

    [Another infringement and your backside would be banned from posting on this blog. Moderator]

  56. Cam said

    Haha my spelling? Your domain name is spelt wrong…. ‘newzeeland’ doesn’t have two ‘e’s after the ‘Z’. Pull the log out of your own eye….

  57. te2ataria said

    Actually it’s ‘New Zeelend.’ But, you’ve no idea what that means, have you?

  58. Kyle said

    [Unintelligent blabber. Edited]

  59. Vasuni said

    I came across this blog while surfing the net for the Indian cabbie murder in Auckland. I am so distraught and angry with what is happening- all the racist attacks in Australia and NZ. It is very sad. If the Aussies or New Zealenders are upset about Asians taking your jobs then maybe you should address it to your govt or simply work harder instead of murdering or assaulting us.

    And I understand that the moderator does not want to disturbed the credibility of this blog but with so many post deleted/ edited, it makes me wonder if it has been removed because the user disagreed with your views.

    I am not asking the whites to like us – but being tolerant is just a mark of civility.

  60. te2ataria said

    @ Vasuni
    Moderators disallow posts that breach the blog editorial policy.

    Unfortunately, the average kiwis [European New Zealanders] are unable to express themselves without foaming at the mouth.

    Provided that the blog editorial policy is observed, you are welcome to express your views in a civil manner, as you have done so.
    [Moderator DH]

  61. Hawkeye said

    [Content deleted because of racial stereotyping. DH]

  62. Hawkeye said

    [If you continue to make stupid remarks, I'll ban you from the blog. Moderator DH.]

  63. New Zealander said

    [See reply. Moderator DH]

  64. te2ataria said

    @ New Zealander
    I’m “white”. My ancestors arrived on a ship. But that’s hardly the point.
    Moderator D.H.

  65. gp said


  66. gp said

  67. gp said


  68. gp said

    [What does the 'p' stand for, puss? Moderator D.H.]

  69. Americana said

    [I am afraid your stats seems to be the work of Dr Nylon or Sir Bruce. Moderator D.H.]

  70. codie said

    If we get rid of all the pakeha and israelis new zealand would be a good place to go. DEATH TO THE RIGHT.

  71. Pete said

    [Are you on 'P' again, Pete? Tell the truth and ye shall be heard, bro. Moderator D.H.]

  72. knuckles said

    [see earlier reply:

  73. knuckles said

    [see earlier reply:

  74. knuckles said

    [see earlier reply:

  75. Ursinhodany said

    NZ is the top seven!!!????

  76. bill e said

    the pakeha have a death wish, the racist pieces of shit they are!

  77. brodrick said

    I am 48 yr old 8th generation Kiwi with 4 children. I have travelled much of the world through my business and holidays (including the entire NZ many times), and I can assure you over the past 20 years NZ has become a very dangerous place to what it used to be. I tend to take my holidays overseas because of the fear of threats and a feeling of being made to feel unwelcome etc. Once my children have all left home were OFF. The whole world is become a less safe place, but NZ has changed a lot quicker and to a bigger extreme than anywhere else

  78. D said

    Kia Ora

    Let me first just say I stumbled upon this site somehow while researching the excellence of Ngāi Tahu Maori in business.

    Though you have backed up the majority of your points, you seem to jump to some strange conclusions. For example, you correctly cite: “As much as 81 percent [or more] of the tourist rapes in New Zealand either go unreported”, then you go on to say “or the victims are intimidated by the police to drop complaints”. Where did you get that last bit of data?

  79. te2ataria said

    IF you read some of the other content, especially the police pages, you’ll probably find your answer.

  80. James said

    [Silence is golden, especially if you have nothing intelligent to say. Moderator]

  81. PAUL W. said

    I wish that we knew who you were [...]

    [Who is this royal "wee?" European Moderator, CPH]

    [Generalization! Ask a specific question as politely and succinctly as you can, and you may get a specific answer.]

    Some of your views do however ring true, but unfortunately, most do not
    [You're entitled to your opinion, despite the glaring facts.]

    I think you are an interesting person though, or group of people who obviously have something to offer the world.
    [Thank you.]

    I heard that a department at the University of Canterbury is even using your site as an example of racial hatred or something to that affect.
    [IF TRUE, it wouldn't surprise any of us. pakeha universities, as both you and I well know, primarily function to pervert the truth and rubber stamp pakeha aggression.]

    Anyway, I sincerely hope that you will respect me enough to post this comment. regards, Pakeha Paul (aka Paul W., Christchurch, New Zealand.
    [Good on you, Bro. CPH]

  82. Jared said

    [That was a poor attempt. Try harder next time. Moderator AMR]

  83. Lorraine.. said

    [Sober up, and we'll see if you have anything smart to say. Moderator]

  84. Te Aropawa said

    [See previous reply by DH. Moderator]

  85. MIKE said

    Good evening
    [Good Point mIKE, Will consider your suggestions. Moderator DH]

  86. earlybird said

    Inasmuch as the tourist murdering is concerned, New Zealand does not target and kill tourists. That is a very literal reading of this blog’s unique mix of over-the-top humor + its slightly animistic spirit-world approach, in which everything is animated with some sort of soul (countries included). If I am catching it right. NZ simply focuses on attracting tourists and migrants and making as much money as it can out of them, and ignores other aspects of the host/guest relationship, such as caring for them. Imagine a commercial hotel establishment with heavy investment in marketing and with high rates, pulling interested victims into a rundown far-flung resort where roofs fell on them, floors had holes, mildew crept into every hole in your body, dogs bit them, toilets didn’t work, cars ran by noisily all night and ran over them, you get the picture. :) I read on one of the other NZ “tell it like it is” sites a metaphor of a giant man-eating plant. Beautiful but deadly! Don’t get swallowed! This blog appears to be fighting for the soul of the island(s) against the corrupting influences that actually control most of the nation’s affairs. It’s unfortunate, but demographics may well come into it.

  87. Karl said

    Your common statement is “pakeha” meaning white man I assume?

    [The worst kind of "white man" who plagued our islands. Remember the best of "white man" remained in their home countries and did not rape or kill Maori. Moderator]

  88. Karl said

    And I apologise it should read “your” not you in the first line.

    [Your apology would be meaningful if you also got your facts right.
    2 foreigners are killed in New Zealand every 3 days!
    New Zealand: A World Leader in Violent Crimes

    and other blog content. Moderator]

  89. Karl said

    [Government agents/supporters, or the average pakeha, like yourself are harmful to our society. Lies, deception, misrepresentation, disinformation are your genetic traits. Moderator]

  90. Karl said

    [Your buddies even go to other countries and kill their woman and children. So what's changed in your pakeha psyche 170 years on?

  91. LUCY said

    [Oh Lucy!]

  92. LUCY said

    [Leaving so soon? Moderator]

  93. I'm full of shit said


  94. kjk said

    I have been fucked in america or europe. I have aids and am dying a slow death.

  95. te2ataria said

    @ kjk

    Are you implying that your fate would have been any different if you were f***
    only in this country?

  96. GWPSP090 said

    [See reply to your other comment. Moderator K.]

  97. This Is Attention Seeking Insanity said

    This is an blog full of emotion with an author who I’m sure believes they are being logical.

    New Zealand does have a high violent crime rate compared to other modern 1st world countries, but it’s still nothing compared to the 3rd world countries I’ve been to and will continue to go to. Why? Because there is more to life and travel than making sure that the place you visit is as safe as Switzerland. I lived in NZ for 20 years, never got robbed, I got head butted by a skinhead once (Who was caught by the police and made to pay me $1000), and that’s just fine for 20 years of life.

    Yeah I know you’ll go and edit this Mr Moderator, why? Are you actually a good person? Would a good person create rules to censor all naysayers? No, you’re a manipulator of information, you don’t want people visiting to see who few people agree with you.

  98. racistmuch? said

    [You could have said you're a martian and I'd have still regarded you as brainless, if you came all that way to raise your children in NZ. EVEN martian kids deserve a better living environment than what this poxy country has to offer. Frankly, you couldn't be a non-kiwi with a larger than double-digit IQ and make such ridiculous claims. Moderator]

  99. te2ataria said

    @ “From This Is Attention Seeking Insanity” on 10 Worst Places

    NICE comparison!!!
    We don’t manipulate the information, but have no way of verifying 99% of the messages people attempt to post on this blog.

    “I lived in NZ for 20 years, never got robbed”

    Only about 600,000 crimes are recorded in this country each year, and not all are robberies.

    BTW, this blog has more than one author.

  100. New Zealand Liar said

    [Don't forget that 6 of the 8 blog Moderators and contributors ALSO live in New Zealand. Then again your name says it all. Moderator DH.]

  101. Keely said

    If the authors of this blogs really felt so unsafe  in New Zealand don’t you think they would have left by now? 

  102. te2ataria said

    @ Keely
    Go where, Einstein?
    This is HOME for Maori moderators!

  103. paul said

    [Which one of the blog moderators are you addressing? Moderator K]

  104. Krip said

    [Kiaora Krip -- you're perfectly entitled to your opinion, and how you may run your blog, whether we like it or not. Te2 is currently taking a sabbatical and can't answer you personally. Do you have your own blog? Moderator K.]

  105. anon said

    [What you are referring to is the "piss index" NOT peace index. Get real! Pull your head out of it! You need fresh air. Moderator ]

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