Monday 14 February 2011

Roma Buzz Aggregator » Dale Farm defence – 19 February 2011

Hi everyone,

Great if you can join in on Saturday 19 February (12 February cancelled) at Dale Farm.

If you want to stay over to Sunday for continued activities, please email me so that accommodation at DF can be confirmed.

Assuming you are coming from London, you should get a Southend train out of Liverpool Street to get to Wickford station close to 10 am (30 minute ride).

We can arrange lifts from Wickford station to DF.

If by road, take A127 to outskirts of Bassildon, then small left turn into Gardiners Lane North, left again into Oak Road, left again into Oak Lane. DF code is CM11 2YH

19/20 Feb will be as far as possible a dress rehearsal for opposing the eviction overation when it comes.

First we need to form teams, so if those coming with you can act as a team – good.

Each team will be allocation a section of DF.

A completed team will include one or more Legal Observers/Monitors (some provided by Essex University Human Rights Clinic); as well as a friendly media person/photographer.

The aim on 19 February is to get teams linked up with the residents in that sector, or ward. They should be able to work out nonviolent delaying tactics, and practise these together (more on that when we can talk).

It’s planned to have a rehearsal of the tachnical means by which LOs will report:-

a) to a solicitor for the purpose of an application to a duty Judge for an Injunction to halt the eviction (grounds of danger to children etc)

b) to the Health & Safety Executive outlining, with images too, safety breaches such as heavy machinery being used close to children. The HSE can send Inspectors with power to halt the eviction.

In addition, there’ll be work to do in preparation for establishing Camp Constant, to be set up 21 days after the service of the final 28-day Notice to quit.

Any more questions, clarifications needed, just email.

Best to bring some food and drink. Bed roll if staying over. And re gear, we always need wire, chicken-wire, wire-cutters, nylon rope, karabiners;

Grattan Puxon.

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