Tuesday, 14 February 2012

Former attorneys general want pot legalized - News1130

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Former attorneys general want pot legalized

Activist applauds the move

News1130 Staff Feb 14, 2012 12:38:08 PM

VANCOUVER (NEWS1130) - The cause to end marijuana prohibition has picked up another group of high-profile supporters.

Former BC Attorneys General Ujjal Dosanjh, Colin Gabelmann, Graeme Bowbrick and Geoff Plant say a legalized, regulated system will cut down on gang activity and ease court backlogs.

Pot activist Jodie Emery says it's a sign of the times.  "Most Canadians have wanted legalization or an end to prohibition for years and we have more and more respected officials and politicians and experts joining the course to end prohibition, even though they're not pro-pot and they're not endorsing the use of drugs."

The four men say instead of a ban, governments should regulate the sale of marijuana under a public health framework and tax the sales, raising money for the provincial government.  "We need to tax and regulate so we don't provide the cannabis capital for people to take to the United States and bring cocaine back."

However, Premier Christy Clark says while she respects the views of the former AG's, she's leaving marijuana enforcement up to the federal government.

"Take our lesson from the alcohol prohibition in the US, it led to violence in gangs and once it was regulated they disappeared."

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