Gary needs your help
Now more than ever. This is a critical time.Even though Gary McKinnon was discussed in the White House and in Downing Street, and even though The US President has said America will respect a UK decision, until we hear otherwise we need to show the Government and the home office the strength of feeling that Gary should be kept in the UK. Not just serve a sentence in the UK - If Gary has to face a trial it should be a UK trial under UK law where actual evidence is required. However much they like to dramatise it, what he did was to tap on a keyboard in his bedroom, in Crouch End, looking for UFOs and found a total lack of passwords or firewalls. Professor Peter Sommer a forensic computer expert says the alleged financial damage was for security/firewalls which should have been installed in the first place. It is not over and unless we show that Gary has as much support as possible politicians may well like to sweep it under the carpet.
Download and print a postcard to the Home Office - click image below
- each image is four cards front and back (A4 double sided 200gsm ideal but light card will do) -
government phone numbers and addresses belowWEAR YOUR PROTEST ON YOUR SLEEVE
FREEGARY TEESHIRTS - Mugs - mousemats etc any size style and colour
Please write to and/or phone the Home Office, the Conservative Office, The LibDem Office, the Dept. of Justice, the Queen to ask that since the Liberal Democrats and the Conservatives all said Gary would be kept here, when will this be happening. We want them to know that we don't want this to drag on and on, we want a positive result now.
You can write to Her Majesty The Queen at Buckingham Palace, London SW1A 1AA
The Prime Minister
- Fax: 020 7925 0918
- Post: Rt Hon David Cameron MP, Prime Minister, 10 Downing Street, London SW1A 2AA
- Email: Use this form (less than 1000 characters)
You can also phone Downing Street on 020 7930 4433 or 020 7276 3000
The Parliamentary Switchboard number is 020 7219 3000 - ask for Nick Clegg's Office.
The Conservatives number 0207 222 9000
the LibDems number 0207 222 7999
put your concerns in writing to
If you're on Twitter why not TWEETSTORM4GARY
Home Office number 020 7035 4848 Press 5/ask for public enquiries. Numbers for other departments in link below
All Contact details phone numbers emails etc and other things you can do to help, can all be found here near the bottom of the RAGE page.
Thank You for Your Help
Wednesday, 14 September 2011
Keep Gary McKinnon in the UK - Write to the home office, the Queen everybody