Thursday, 15 September 2011

GypsyMessageBoard - United Nations Declare UK Government is Violating International Law over Dale Farm Evictions. September 14th, 2011 §

United Nations Declare UK Government is Violating International Law over Dale Farm Evictions.

September 14th, 2011 § Leave a Comment

Professor Yves Cabannes, a United Nations adviser on forced eviction, met with Dale Farm residents today  to talk about the findings of  a recent report and said  'A study which I led on forced eviction found that at Dale Farm,  and the UK in general, the Government is violating international  human rights law on three points.  'These are the right to adequate housing, the right to be defended  from forced eviction and discrimination.' He added that 'Basildon Council have failed to provide the pitches it should make available to travellers' and that those  who are abusing the law are the council, not the travellers. The council is not fulfilling  its duties.  The  petition supporting the United Nations call to delay the eviction suntil legal obligations are met by the UK government had reached 6768 names by today.  -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------  In an open letter to the Government 62 MP's and Charities called on a  halt to the evictions.  We urge the government to review its support for the planned eviction of Dale Farm Travellers' site until such time as culturall  appropriate accommodation has been identified and provided. The UN  committee on the elimination of all forms of racial discrimination has requested that the UK government suspend the planned eviction  at Dale Farm and secure a peaceful and appropriate solution,  including identifying culturally appropriate accommodation, with full respect for the rights of the children and families involved. We support the committee's request and urge the government to seek that Basildon, neighbouring councils in Essex and the residents of  Dale Farm resume negotiations.  An amicable solution which respects the human rights of both the  Traveller and the settled communities must be found. Such a solution should provide enough land for those families currently living on  the 51 pitches which are subject to eviction. We strongly believe  that the planned eviction is inhumane and will pose particular risk  to the welfare of children, young people, pregnant women, and  disabled, sick and elderly residents. The planned eviction does not  provide a long-term solution to the issue and would be an unnecessary waste of £18m of taxpayers' money.  We urge the government to support a peaceful, long-term solution   and to withdraw the funding allocated by the Home Office and the Department for Communities for the eviction of Dale Farm.  Yvonne MacNamara Director, Irish Traveller Movement in Britain  Andy Slaughter MP  Andrew George MP Chair, all-party parliamentary group for Gypsy Roma and Travellers  David Ward MP  Katy Clark MP  Alan Meale MP  John McDonnell MP  Chris Ruane MP  Lord Eric Avebury  Lord Nigel Jones  Baroness Janet Whitaker  Lord McKenzie of Luton  Baroness Elizabeth Deirdre Doocey  Baroness Dean of Thornton-le-Fylde  Lord Jeremy Beecham  Lord Hylton  Lord Rea  Lord Alf Dubs  Viscount of Falkland  Lord Roberts of Llandudno  Baroness Hussein-Ece  Shami Chakrabarti Director, Liberty  Bob Reitemeier Chief executive, The Children's Society  Simon Woolley Director, Operation Black Vote  Jean Candler British Institute of Human Rights  Rodney Bickerstaffe Former secretary general of Unison  Jennie McShannon Chief executive, Federation of Irish Societies  Patrick Yu Executive director, Northern Ireland Council for Ethnic Minorities  Vivienne Hayes Director, Women's Resource Centre  Anna Watson Friends of the Earth  Dr Rob Berkeley Director, Runnymede Trust  Rahana Mohammed Race on the Agenda  Rosie Bairwal Catholic Association for Racial Justice  Lee Eggleston Chair, Rape Crisis (England and Wales)  Tim Hopkins Director, The Equality Network  Elizabeth Sclater Secretary general, Older Peoples Network (Europe)  Debbie Kohner Committee on the Administration of Justice  Pragna Patel Director, Southall Black Sisters  Les Allamby Director, Law Centre (NI)  Barbara Cohen Director, Discrimination Law Association  Eleanor Lisney Disabled People Against Cuts  Sue Robson NEWomen's Network  Ratna Lachman Director, JUST West Yorkshire  Karen Chouhan Equanomics  Susan Alexander Travellers Aid Trust  Conn Mac Gabhann Irish Chaplaincy in Britain  Helen Jones Leeds Gypsy and Traveller Exchange  Niki Kandirikirira Engender  Dr Kevin McNamara Retired Labour MP  David Watkinson Barrister, Garden Court Chambers  Timothy Jones Barrister, No. 5 Chambers  Liz Davies Barrister, Garden Court Chambers, Haldane Society of Socialist Lawyers  Sister Patricia Bell The Institute of our Lady of Mercy  Sister Lynda Dearlove Women at the Well  Tony Lindsay Cambridge Racial Incident Support project  Bernadette McAliskey South Tyrone Empowerment Programme  Candy Sheridan The Gypsy Council  Siobhan Spencer Director, Derbyshire Gypsy Liason Group  Pete Mercer National Federation of Gypsy Liason Groups  Mrs Tanver Parnez Black & Ethnic Minority Infrastructure Scotland  Tim Brogden London Voluntary Service Council

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