Monday, 2 May 2011

Introducing myself as your new Communications Manager - telecentre-europe

Some of you might recognize my avatar!

Two and a half years have past since I was facilitating the telecentre-europe community from Fundación Esplai and here I am again: still in Barcelona, and very excited about my new part-time job as the Communications Manager of Telecentre-Europe AISBL!


What can you expect from me?

- facilitation on the publishing and presenting of content that could be of great interest to you and the community

- help in making the online communication around this community as effective and useful as possible

- a lot of "personalized" guidance on the use of all the Social Media involved: our ning site (everybody involved should be a member), our Facebook page (don't tell me you haven't "liked" the page yet!), our Twitter account (just click on "follow"), our Youtube channel, ... and Ian even started a group at LinkedIn.

- a lot more that I haven't yet figured out


What's first?

- you will soon receive a brand new Newsletter made by Freddy, the icon of one of web 2.0's best email marketing program: MailChimp (check some reviews: 1, 2, 3,...)

- we will change the server and - who knows - even the Content Management System of, just to make you even more proud about being part of its community.


What else?

Tell me what YOU think would be useful to you. This is your chance! Right here under her blogpost, tell your community manager what she should manage on this community!

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