My Research
It wasn't till I started doing this research in the last few days that I realised what has been going on. I thought it was just me but I've found hundreds of stories on the internet of people all over the world who have been diagnosed with the same tumour as me (Prolactinoma) and put on the same medication as me (Dostinex or Bromocriptine) then had their lives fall apart. Just like me these people had completely normal lives until treatment started then their marriages failed, they ended up losing careers, ended up homeless, sleeping in cars, emotional mood swings.... almost every single person had a massive personality change.
Links to serious side effects from Dostinex... including psychosis, complete personality change and death:
Now it all starts to make sense. All these people who have been treating me badly for the last ten years as though I've been acting different on purpose. All my old work mates from STDC that cut me dead as soon as my personality changed. My own family disowned me. I've been robbed so many times I've lost count, had people try to kill me, lost a house, marriage, career, been to prison, attempted suicide, been put in Mental Health twice, manipulated by the police.... and the whole time I've just been wondering what the hell was going on? I sure didn't have a clue. I've just been trying to survive.
My specialists never ever warned me that the medication could cause a complete personality change yet the internet is full of stories from people that exactly the same thing has happened to them with the same tumour and the same medication. It doesn't seem fair somehow that this is the price I have to pay for having a tumour in my head. The police are basically locking me up because I've got a pituitary tumour.
Apparently it is the medication Dostinex (cabergoline) that causes the personality change and makes me feel like crap all the time. The only thing that has ever made me feel and act normal is cannabis. I have proved with scientific evidence that cannabis does work. A prolactinoma (pituitary tumour) like I've got produces excessive prolactin. Cannabis reduces prolactin... specifically in pituitary tumours. The action is very specific.
See link below for the scientific proof:
Dostinex is the medication I have to take because it lowers prolactin. Dostinex can cause massive personality changes and psychosis. When I smoke cannabis I don't need as much Dostinex (plus I feel 100% better as well) because cannabis also lowers prolactin without all the shocking side effects. No other drug in the world does this... only cannabis!!!!!
Dostinex Side Effects Summary
Total Dostinex adverse reports: 334.
Dostinex FDA safety alerts: No
Reported deaths: 22
Reported hospitalizations: 88
Dostinex Dosage, Warniings, Usage
So the NZ Government and the NZ Police have doomed me to a life of utter misery and madness... unless I break the law... in which case I go to prison. I want to spell this out to people so they understand. A bunch of healthy upper middle class people want me to spend every single day of my life feeling like crap... prone to erratic behaviour from the medication I'm on for a tumour... when I could simply grow cannabis in my garden and feel twenty times better and lead a normal life. Cannabis that has been proved conclusively to work for my specific condition... when no other drug worked.
These people have nice cars, nice houses, fancy jobs (politicians, judges, cops)..... they play golf, they go on holidays, they play sport, they drink alcohol with no guilt at all in whatever quantity and type they like. All I own in the whole world is the clothes I wear and a battered old laptop. I spend my time looking after a dying woman and researching Medical Marijuana. So now these fancy people with their fancy lives say I have to go to prison and my partner has to go into a rest home. Apparently Medical Marijuana research is right up there with rape and bank robbery.
It just doesn't seem right. I've gone to enormous trouble to try and understand my condition... because none of the doctors or specialists have ever helped me. Not the Health & Disabilities, or Mental Health or Human Rights Commission. All these fancy people and fancy organisations that are meant to help... have all completely ignored my pleas. And I've tried... I've got the letters and e-mails to prove it.
So I went off by myself for ten years and tried to solve the problem myself. I'm not stupid (my IQ) and I'm a trained plant breeder. So all on my own I've tried to breed cannabis strains that would help me medically while still allowing me to lead a normal life. It's not like anybody else has had a better idea!! For my trouble I get arrested, robbed and locked up... over and over again. What kind of screwed up health system is this in this country? What kind of screwed up Justice system is this in this country? What is wrong with people?
Why aren't I ever allowed to give my side of the story in court? Every single time I've been to court the police have stood up and told a pack of lies but I've never been allowed to say a thing? What kind of justice system is this? Don't I have any rights?
New Zealand Bill of Rights Act 1990 No 109 (as at 03 September 2007), Public Act
(27) Right to justice
(1) Every person has the right to the observance of the principles of natural justice by any tribunal or other public authority which has the power to make a determination in respect of that person's rights, obligations, or interests protected or recognised by law.
Now this time they want to kill my partner Tracey. Seriously can you possibly get more screwed up than that? This is judges and cops... acting like they're in the 17th century or something. You'd think I was an axe murderer the way the judge was going on in court .
They want my partner to sell up everything she owns so she can go into a rest home. The poor woman is dying already. She's had a terrible life. Beaten unconscious repeatedly and sexually molested all her childhood. Why aren't the police going after the monster that did that to her? All we've got is each other... and these tyrants want to put me in prison and put Tracey in a resthome where she'll die. I've already rescued her once when she was nearly dead and being abused... and nobody gave a damn. It took me two years to nurse her back to health. Just when she starts to come right.... they smash us down again. Where was the Police when Tracey was being abused? If I hadn't rescued her she would be dead now.
What the hell is really going on here? That's what I'd like to know. This isn't the dark ages.
My research from the beginning: