Monday, 21 February 2011

Who stole the money that was supposed to stop Gary McKinnon?

I respect a lot of what you have pulled together Jack Of Kent.

You pulled together a lot more of a very distorted puzzle for me and for that I was grateful.

BUT (there had to be one) did I miss the bit where you pointed out the grand failure of the US security system in place at the time that let a UK citizen with a UK IP address wander around for two years AND install non standard software on US military machines - many machines - and leave many messages - some angry messages, some ''obviously stupid' ones and, eventually, after one of the biggest world shaking terrorist acts of all time, to lose his temper and try and let someone know how lax the security of the US was...

how come you, as a 'Top' super sleuthing legal journo blogger can only stick to the paperwork - the legal and the 'well meaning' but 'wrong' ..

how comes you didn't mention which company was supposed to be in charge of the security at the time - which person was supposed to be in charge of the said company who did such a shit job that allowed Gary McKinnon, good guy, but, at the time in question,  stoner, boozer, head banger/ Asperger's man,to be where he got to on too many occasions.

You could have pointed the finger at the real dishonest criminals who took US tax payers money and gave them a shit system in return - how much money?

What should the system have been capable of withstanding? - As far as I can see ALL the US paperwork is after the act paperwork, all the UK paperwork is a fight against that bag full of smoke and mirrors.

Who let him do what he did? He is not regarded as the best computer expert in the world let alone in ... wherever.

Yes, I am a man who has let anger cloud my judgement regarding this 'cause' and I have said some dumb things regarding this case - things that might still come back to bite me.. But, who let him in?

Who failed the USA? WHO?

Find the answer to that and you might find out why the Gary McKinnon case is still dragging on.

Good luck... Oh and now it seems that our UK govt was making more of the supposed evidence than was real in order to foist the costs of the case onto the US people...

So much more to come - 5.5 blogs do not a full and honest summary make

I look forward to hearing who

Cheers Jack

Please Please look into this

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