SUNDAY ON GPSThis Week on GPS: An exclusive interview with billionaire banker and activist George Soros. The man who has given billions of dollars of his own money to support democracy and open societies around the world offers his take on the events sweeping across the Middle East and North Africa, and makes a bet that the Iranian regime will fall within a year. Soros, a big backer of Obama's presidential campaign, offers his opinion of how his candidate has fared in office. The answer might surprise you. And just what about those accusations by Glenn Beck, saying Soros is the "puppet master" trying to overthrown the American way of life? Soros fires back.
Fareed offers his take on Tunisia, Egypt, Bahrain, etc. He says we're at the start of a decade of great change in that part of the world, as the Middle East modernizes. So why is it happening? And why is it happening NOW? It has to do with youth and technology. Tune in to find out more.
Then, we'll separate the fact from the fiction on the Muslim Brotherhood of Egypt? Are they just another political party or do they really want to impose Sharia law on all the world? Fareed talks to the man who is perhaps America's top expert on the group.
And the fervor in the Middle East isn't limited to Egypt's Arab neighbors. Violent protests against the Iranian regime have broken out in Tehran. And the parliament is calling for the execution of the opposition leaders. We have a panel of GPS experts to tell you just what is going on in Iran.
And finally, a last look at some explosive artwork coming out of Baghdad.
Tune in this Sunday at 10 a.m. ET/PT.
Saturday, 19 February 2011
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