Monday, 21 February 2011

Mental distress and the UK system

Imagine a child. A loving, happy child. Imagine being highly intelligent. Imagine loving the world. Now, imagine becoming a dysfunctional, completely screwed up teenager who becomes a complex angry young man who then goes on to become a twice divorced headbangingly angry father, who then takes till he is 50 before he finally starts finding the answers to the mashings of his childhood brain.


Imagine a country that puts up posters all over that person's life advertising the help that country has to offer 'people' like this boy / man. Imagine that every time that boy / man seeks help, seeks to follow his own path, cries for help for the damage his head knows is there, imagine that none of that help is ever available. The only help available is help that 'has' to be given and only then if it can't be got out of beiing given.


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