Monday, 21 February 2011

How knotted and vast is the present telecentre and call center set up world wide?

How knotted and vast is the present telecentre  and call center set up world wide?

How much power can it reach out with?

How many voices could it amplify at any particular moment in one time frame?

Could you link up the output of the voices of the people with the voices of the media and the outlets of the people so that if the beleaguered section of this social world of 'ours' is shouting 'ENOUGH' then, the message can be gotten across with all the power that a system such as this can command.

I noticed something very powerful on January 1st 2000.

Huge numbers of countries and majorities of populations Could get together and focus their happiness on one moment.

To the split second - agreement between 153 countries or more

and afterwards the way people acted for a while was good stuff to behold.

Then came the Iraq war

Then Lady Diana and Dodi Fyed died.

Again a profound coming together of peoples who know they want to and need to. Positively.

It is possible, very possible, to set up a day where everyone who can gets to a phone and calls and says what they feel and think about the world they live in, call in because each voice is different so that gives the body count (-: People who can't talk can have any number of arrangements made for them to join in - telecentres could easily and happily accomodate with looking after the connections for that side of it as well as acting as hubs for input during the day itself.

If you have a running totalizer on the web you will catch the press the minute it starts getting to noteworthy figures!

As you catalogue the input - from voice and every other medium too, you will start to build a world scale picture of who gives a damn where, if not a lot more! Every type of problem and positive statement will come forwards from many people who won't mind being part of a greater show about any particularly bad problem or even slight problem that could be ironed out more easily than it is at the present.

You could try getting large numbers of phones into seriously appalling problem areas now - so the full on true voice of the people is heard and listened to

Any number of bits of voice kit can let you know if someone is genuinely angry or seriously scared or depressed beyond sadness

All it needs is the right core kit, and the ability to use any bit of other kit it needs to understand whats really being said.

The telecentre  and call center set up has the power to do this because it is built with\by powerful people who believe and do.

That's a compliment


You've probably done it and I missed it ..... but I don't think so



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