Sunday 3 October 2010

UK Disabled Peoples’ Protest: Virtual Protest Page « Disabled People Protest 3rd Oct

This page is for those who through lack of transport, cost of travel, impairment or simply fear support us but cannot join us. It is for those who are angry at the inhuman way in which disabled people are being treated and used as scapegoats for the supposed economic problems created by those in the financial sector bleeding the country dry….

‘Cuts kill!’ is the message of the organisers of the anti-government disabled peoples’ protest on the 3rd October in Birmingham. The day is one in which a number of protesters will make their voices heard outside the Conservative conference at the ICC.

There will be barriers, some more barriers, a large steel fence and big police lines to protect the lives and dignity of our millionaire politicians.

‘Cuts kill!’ is the rallying cry of the protesters because that is what they will do and what the threat of the cuts has already done.

Disabled people have already taken their own lives because of the extent to which the millionaire politicians want to take away our dignity and further reduce our poverty level incomes.

There are no big police lines to protect us….

Please write your message of protest  below by leaving your comments….

73 Responses to “UK Disabled Peoples’ Protest: Virtual Protest Page”

wizwaz Says:

September 27, 2010 at 1:23 am

WE are taught that it is pointless as a member of the lowly poor and needy to shout up at the big, powerful, rich politicians that it is impossible to survive without their help. It seems that they attempt to convince us again and again, that whatever piecemeal they offer us is an act of their benevolence, and not a statutory right. Sometimes they even almost have us believing it is their money they are giving us: “Oh, thank you, oh kind master, thank you for the few crumbs you so generously offer in my darkest hour, when I is so poor and becrippled and have no one to help me keep warm and feed myself. Thank you oh for your most humblin’ and ‘mazin’ offer sir”.

Of course this is utter bull. The government are responsible for looking after the people in this country. The are our servants, our accountants. The government are charged with the responsibility of ensuring that the sick, needy, vulnerable are given adequate resources, either to help them recover or to offer supportive or palliative care to increase their quality of life. This is what the government is responsible for USING THE TAX PAYERS’ MONEY. It is the mark of a civilised society to act in such a manner.

Perhaps we are beyond civilised. Perhaps we have become as corrupt and unscrupulous as one of those rogue states, intent on favouring the rich and wealthy (bankers) whilst culling the population of the poor (in this instance by reducing their level of financial support potentially to zero and demolishing public services on which they are reliant for any kind of quality of life).

But again, I reiterate, IT IS THE MONEY OF THE BRITISH PEOPLE WHICH IS BEING DIVERTED AWAY FROM THE NEEDY INTO THE HANDS OF THE GREEDY. People need to take more responsibility for how their taxes are spent, and kick up a stink if they don’t like it. What people tend to forget is that at any moment, their lives can be reduced to “benefit scrounging scum” as their lives collapse either through accident or illness. Only the most wealthy will survive such cataclysm.
Barbara Says:

October 2, 2010 at 2:42 pm

I would love to be there but due to lack of mobility cannot. I fully support the protest and am very grateful for those who can and do make it – thank you :D
Crippen Says:

September 27, 2010 at 10:26 am

I’d love to be on the actual march you guys, but like many of us Crips it’s not possible for me to be there.

This idea of a virtual march is a fantastic idea and allows us all to participate in what’s going to be the biggest stand against the Tories since the Poll Tax protests.

Disabled people united, can never be defeated!
a ford Says:

September 27, 2010 at 11:11 pm

i suver with mentill illness on 15 tabs a day how can defend my self with a medical. on sychotic tabs 1.200 mg feel so tired every day so how can they treat me like this
Matt Winter Says:

September 27, 2010 at 11:46 pm

To many things are wrong ESA, Cuts to services, hate based media campaigns, persecution of ill and disabled people and possibly DLA in the future I can not stand by and not air my feelings when this is so unjust, immoral, sickening and above all an inhuman way to treat the vulnerable in society who are not scroungers, many worked most of their lives and paid taxes before becoming ill or disabled or risked their lives on a battlefield for their country and now cannot work, cant make it to the march but our voices must be heard
Jo Meadowcroft Says:

September 28, 2010 at 11:43 am

Unfortunatley, due to the nature of my disabilities, I can`t attend the march in Birmingham. I would love to be there with you to voice my anger and contempt towards the condems, and to feel the spirit of solidarity.
The gross inequalities within our society need to be challenged. The gap between the rich and the poor continues to widen alarmingly. The condems are so far removed from the lives of ordinary people, living in their priviliged bubbles. The physical barriers, steel fence and large police presence at the conference serve to protect them from public outrage towards the cuts, and further distance them from the public who they are meant to be serving. The government are choosing to scapegoat sick and disabled people, who are the least able to fight back, for the deficit caused by greedy bankers. They are using their friends in the media to demonise benefit claimants in order to turn public opinion against vulnerable and disadvantaged people. How cowardly of the condems to attack the people least able to defend themselves! People with disabilities are already struggling to maintain their dignity and achieve a reasonable quality of life, without the added stress of being labelled scroungers and cheats. The threat of losing “benefits” has already caused deaths amongst us, and will continue to do so. We need to be remind this government that their cold, calculated bullying of the vulnerable is unacceptable and is not going to go unchallenged. We must unite and shout our side of the story out. Please know that although I cant be with you in body in Birmingham, I will very much be there in spirit! May the sun shine on you on 3rd October…….
Disabled People Protest 3 Oct Says:

September 29, 2010 at 8:55 pm

thank you! we will try to read some of the comments here – to add your voice!
CHA- Vie Autonome France Says:

September 29, 2010 at 3:08 pm

Our organisation would like to support the Protest movement of people with disabilities of UK, in defending their rights and fight against the cuts to disabled peoples’income. In the present economic crisis,people with disabilities, who are already at the bottom of the incomes’ scale, should not be deprived in their living conditions.
Disabled People Protest 3 Oct Says:

September 29, 2010 at 8:52 pm

rich Says:

September 29, 2010 at 4:12 pm

disabled people are being hit time after time after time in one of the most callous slights of hand we have ever experienced.

We are being portrayed as responsible for the economic calamity that we are engulfed in. We are told we are lazy, work shy, work less scroungers and if we were not to claim benefits it would be to the countries benefit.

No benefits, no money, no life.

At the same time are services that support us and to enable us to live are under attack.

No services, no support, no quality of life.

Yet wouldn’t it be a good idea if restrictions were removed from local authorities so that they could charge outlandish prices for necessary services reckon the govt.

No money, no services, no quality of life, no life.

And yet they still think the solution for us is to work. yet more and more non disabledpeople are out of work, the competition is as hot as it as ever been for jobs and still we now we are discriminated against and kept out of the job market.

No jobs, no money, no life.

Its a scandal.

Cits will kill.
Disabled People Protest 3 Oct Says:

September 29, 2010 at 8:56 pm

thank you, we hear you Rich!
Judie McConway Says:

September 29, 2010 at 6:45 pm

I cannot be there physically, but will be there in spirit – I have marched many time in the past, to ban the bomb, to hasten the end of the Vietnam war, to protest against the Iraq war, and to end poverty – now, I just don’t think I could do it, but salute everyone who does….
Disabled People Protest 3 Oct Says:

September 29, 2010 at 8:57 pm

thank you!
Damjan Tatic Says:

September 29, 2010 at 7:49 pm

A message from Damjan in Serbia

Good luck with the march, keep the fighting spirit, as they said in Spain almost

a century ago “Non pasaran”!
Disabled People Protest 3 Oct Says:

September 29, 2010 at 8:58 pm

thank you to our Serbian friends!
Bano Murtuja Says:

September 29, 2010 at 7:54 pm

From Bano via Facebook

Can’t attend I’m afraid, but wishing you every success. The cuts are bad enough. The manner and groups they have targetted dispicable.
Disabled People Protest 3 Oct Says:

September 29, 2010 at 8:59 pm

thank you for your good wishes!
Susan Archibald Says:

September 29, 2010 at 9:07 pm

Hi All,

I am not totally fit either but will travel from Scotland to fight on behalf of all the people who can both not attend or speak up for themselves as this is where my heart lies.

Let us unite in their honour and do them proud.

So if you can’t be with us in person you’ll be with us in spirit x

This ones for ma PEERS all over the country xxxxxxx

Susan Archibald – Scotland
Maria Says:

September 30, 2010 at 8:30 am

Please support the march on 3rd October in Birmigham. Write about it, blog it and tweet it. Write emails to the major newspapers, it needs to be talked about.

Disabled people need the support to be equal to everyone else. It’s not special treatment, special benefits but simply our human right to be enabled by services and personal assistance to be able to live an independent life in a civil society.

The cuts are unfair on too many disabled people and this should be made clear: we are not scroungers – the support we need is a civil right.
Shaun Bradley Says:

September 30, 2010 at 6:23 pm

via facebook
Shaun Bradley give em hell … x
Anya-Nicola Darr Says:

September 30, 2010 at 7:49 pm

As if it isn’t bas enough to have your life cuts short by chronic illness wihtout them wanting to take away the little they give us. I am fed up of being made to feel like I got ill on purpose so I could scrounge of the system. No one in theri right mind would choose to live of benefits. Go get ‘em!
Jon Scott Says:

September 30, 2010 at 8:02 pm

I too cannot attend, but support this campaign.
Anya-Nicola Darr Says:

September 30, 2010 at 9:17 pm

via face book
Anya-Nicola Darr I can’t attend as too far for me but I will be watching assuming no BBC strike!LOL
Charanjeet Kaur Sroye Says:

September 30, 2010 at 9:28 pm

Charanjeet Kaur Sroye I would march… if I was physically able too.
margaret rothwell Says:

October 1, 2010 at 7:16 am

I wish I could march but am unfortunately in a ME/CFS relapse at the moment and having to spend much of my time in bed. I had to fight several tribunals before receiving my DLA lowest rate award and it looks as though there will be more fighting needed to try and keep it. The constant harassment just wears me out and continually having to justify myself against wrongful accusations of scrounging in the media just adds to the illness by causing depression. This is all so wrong!
Louise Bolotin Says:

October 1, 2010 at 11:19 am

Really sorry I can’t make it but I’ve been snowed under all week with work – Sunday is my one free day before the treadmill starts again and I really need to rest and get some spoons in the bank again. I’ll be there in spirit with all other disabled people.
john ridley Says:

October 1, 2010 at 11:56 am

ive been disabled since 1992 and have been on dla since 1994 every day i take a cocktail of drugs just to function this year i lost my 23yo daughter and blame my self as i have never been able to do normal fatherly things with her now all alone Mr Cameron and his Mickey mouse coalition government can have my pittance of a weekly allowance love to go to Birmingham but have enough to deal with at the moment my house is falling down around my ears and just dont have any funds to travel i cant even afford 1 a day let alone 5 so take what little i have it will go a long way to solve your defecit
Jo Cowell Says:

October 1, 2010 at 12:27 pm

I served in the British Army in my past and thanks to the marching and drill and many many miles of walking I did then I am now crippled with severe Osteoarthritis in both feet,knees,hips,wrists and shoulders and am wheelchair dependant. I have also fought against the NHS for over 45 years to get recognition of a congenital connective tissue disorder that I finally got a diagnosis for earlier this year. Sadly due to these physical disabilities and lack of finances due to living well below the poverty line since 1994 when I was forced to leave work I cannot attend the march in Birmingham. I would like however to add my voice to those that are fortunate enough to attend.
I am a human being with civil rights-the intentions of taking away what little I get now to live on is disgusting but merely demonstrates just how every single person that abides in this country will be punished,beaten and ignored by those that pretend to have good intentions. Meanwhile THEY will continue to get fat off the taxpayers and line their pockets and Swiss bank accounts with monies stolen from the public coffers! Those that work will be next…you’ll see!

plsdontbend Says:

October 1, 2010 at 3:53 pm

I would like to extend my support to you and what you are doing there! I am in the States and want to say that we here, also have the same d*mn problem. We’ve (dh, both of us with cp) have been tempted to come across the seas because of the severe living conditions that are afforded to us here…well, I guess not.

over 70% of the disabled population in the US is unemployed and the statistic has remain the same since 1960, when the Bureau of Vocational Rehabilitation began its’ survey of this problem.

Less than 6% of housing in the US is accessable for disability use, since town homes (you refer to them as up/down, I believe) are more land thrifty and cheaper to build. And disabled acessable housing is more expensive to rent because of the 60+ boomers that they expect to rent these units can afford more posh accomodations. Even elderly HUD units have been pulled away from us (Housing of Urban Development). Since 202 prac (this is the ordinance) was introduced separating the disabled from the elderly, no new housing specific to disabled needs have been built (1992). Why HUD did this, was to 1) increase housing for the elderly and 2) to allow disabled people to interact with people their own age: yeah, right. The truth: put us in housing that puts us as risk. It places us in Family HUD units that leads to vandalism of our properties, harrassment (children can be cruel), and high crime areas that have daily gun fire.

Many of those who choose to marry loose all benefits from Medicaid (national insurance), foodstamps, as well as support from other services, due to loss of Medicaid services (transportation, etc). If you choose to be married, you are in for a rude suprise. Don’t count on anyone helping you unless you want to declare yourself “incapable” of doing any form of self care and be placed on Waiver. Waiver, by the way is the ONLY form of care attendence available under Medicaid, and you must truly almost need a nursing facility according to guidelines.

Don’t count on ADA assistanting you if you should fall. American’s with Disabllities Act, was rendered toothless back in Bush Administrations, pulling out any true assistance it could give:
1. Does not fully protect you should you loose a job, because very few attorneys actually impliment ADA.
2. Should you fall due to faulty ramping (which happens), or boxes misplaced in isles of stores, too bad! Get to the doctor, make sure you don’t have a concussion and go on. Few attorneys actually fight ADA lawsuits and lesser will support you in a trip and fall accident: stores are not liable.

I am with you all in spirit and just wanted to let you know how it goes here, because in truth, it’s awful. My husband has threatened after receiving a Master’s degree in Education to simply burn his thesis on the Capital stairs, since there is no jobs available in counseling in house for disabled folk.
Good luck!

Hugs across the Sea,
g brown Says:

October 1, 2010 at 5:48 pm

why dont you take all the motability cars from oaps age isnt a disability
Kevan Dean Says:

October 1, 2010 at 6:31 pm

via facebbok Kevan Dean Sorry I cant be there but I will be thinking of you and wishing you well x
Sonali Legge Says:

October 1, 2010 at 6:32 pm

via facebook Sonali Legge Will try to come but definitely will be there in spirit whatever! X
Robin King Says:

October 1, 2010 at 6:33 pm

via facebook Robin King The group I represent will be there Debbie around 200 of us – I hope
Anna parham Says:

October 1, 2010 at 6:34 pm

via facebook Anna Parham i cant make it with you all in spirit go fior it xx kick ass xx
Gaynor Underhill Says:

October 1, 2010 at 6:34 pm

via facebook Gaynor Underhill Sorry I can’t make it. Will be thinking of you all and hope it goes well.
Pandore Serial-Insomiac Says:

October 1, 2010 at 6:35 pm

via facebook Pandora Serial-Insomniac Sorry, I can’t make it to England this weekend. I’m wishing all of you all the luck in the world though – give ‘em hell! x
anon Says:

October 1, 2010 at 8:24 pm

You don’t know me, but I just had to Email you guy’s to say I am so very sorry that I cant attend this demonstration in person as I so truly wish I could, due to my not being able to travel Plus not being able to stand / walk for more than a few seconds max. But I just wanted to say it makes me proud that you guys are fighting our corner! May god be with you all on the day. Plus I would like to thank each and every one of you who have arranged this event, god only knows how much we need to make this evil government understand the life some of us have to live. bless each and every one of you. My heart will be with you all on the day.

Most sincere gratitude
anon2 Says:

October 1, 2010 at 9:19 pm

I cannot join you either but, it is critcally important to fight for a civilised society and support for those who are in need beit on a temporary or a long term basis. Will be there in spirit. regards all….
Margaret Nuttall Says:

October 1, 2010 at 9:43 pm

Sorry I can’t be there in person, but I will be with you all in spirit. Good luck and best wishes.
Penny Says:

October 1, 2010 at 9:57 pm

Again the most vulnerable members of society are being targeted by those with power. I fight every day of my life now just to get through each day in the best way I can, the meagre amount I get in benefits help me keep my last bit of independence, I am heartily sick of having to prove I am worthy of the benefits I am entitled to.
Christine Says:

October 1, 2010 at 10:31 pm

I too cannot attend, due to disability and poverty, but will very much be there in spirit. The message that CUTS KILL needs to be shouted from every rooftop. The cuts are targeted at those of us who are already the worst-off – the disabled, mentally ill, carers, single parents struggling to get by, the unemployed, etc.

I know people who have their suicide plans ready for if their disability benefits are cut off. It’s an appalling situation.
Blu Says:

October 1, 2010 at 11:28 pm

I can’t get to the demo because I’m bedbound with severe ME. I cannot walk, I struggle to talk, and 90% of the time I cannot tolerate light or sound. Most of my communication is done by type or deafblind manual signing. I am hidden from public view due to my illness. Despite my attempts to communicate, I am voiceless because being disabled and in receipt of benefit apparently means my views should be ignored. Even my illness still carries stigma, to the point where I am facing the prospect of no NHS care whatsoever.

I want more than anything to be at this protest, to at least add to the numbers even if I cannot speak. As this is impossible, as it is for many sick and disabled people, I ask you to speak for me.

I also ask you to speak on behalf of my 17-year-old son, who has Asperger’s, yet has received no support on leaving school bar a £30 a week allowance. He is expected to pretend to be ‘normal’, expected to pretend that his condition doesn’t place barriers in front of him every day that affect his life. He is told that to do otherwise is making a fuss, being ‘difficult’, deliberately making himself difficult to employ.

I ask you to speak on behalf of those elderly people who cannot be at the protest, who face losing winter fuel allowances, free travel, and other benefits. Everything we have in the UK is due to their lifetimes’ efforts. We owe them so much. To callously claim that the UK can no longer afford to support them is not only a lie but incredibly ungrateful.

I ask you to speak for children, who may not be able to attend or speak at the protest either. Our future, whom this current coalition government sees fit to remove SureStart centres from. Who will increasingly face a school system that is based on profit rather than education. Who will then face a university career that will furnish them with a mortgage-level of debt if they are lucky, and will vilify them as feckless, lazy and workshy if they are not.

I ask you to speak for those who cannot be there, or who cannot speak. Those who believe that society is not merely made up of economic units to be shunted around at will, but of people – who deserve to have their voices heard on an equal platform no matter their age, illness, gender, ability, race, religion, sexuity or financial status. Because this is something the current government do not wish to see.

Thank you.
Disabled People’s Protest at the Conservative Conference. « Mind In Flux Says:

October 2, 2010 at 12:01 am

[...] If you are unable to make the protest, there is a virtual protest page here. [...]
Anne Says:

October 2, 2010 at 12:16 am

Good luck and really sorry I can’t be there…
Vambo Says:

October 2, 2010 at 1:37 am

I will be with you in spirit. Thank you so much for organising this, for giving people like me a voice. I have severe mental illness and do not know how I will survive if benefit cuts go ahead. God bless you!
Blu Says:

October 2, 2010 at 3:53 am

Addendum to my comment above:

Bludgeoning the sick and disabled off benefits will not make the country any more accessible to us, nor will it change how our disabilities affect us. Taking money and support from those least able to provide it for themselves is perverse. It is wrong. It is inhuman. As a society, we cannot allow this to happen. Health is never guaranteed, and those who are lucky enough not to need the already limited support the disabled get should remember that fact. Because it could be you next.
angia dryden Says:

October 2, 2010 at 10:05 am

sorry can,t be there but do support the cause.Cuts will effect some of the most vunerable people in our communities
Sam Says:

October 2, 2010 at 10:44 am

Hi i’m nearly 14 and have attended main stream school all my life.I have a lot of support coz of my cp, but am doing well and expect to get GCSE’s,A-levels and go to college.I want to contribute all I can to society.If these cuts get made how are younger kids who have the same extra needs as me supposed to be succesful.I use a communication aid and powerchair,just keepimg all my kit up to date costs a lot and then theres support staff.Without this support many of the young kids I know couldnt go to mainstream as they should.Just cos our bodies work differently doesn’t mean our ideas should be ignored. SAM
Disabled People Protest 3 Oct Says:

October 2, 2010 at 10:46 am

Fantastic! thank you so much for writing this Sam.
Debbie Says:

October 2, 2010 at 11:24 am

I want to add that we have had support from disabled peoples’ organisations in Serbia, Slovenia, Germany, Latvia, Spain and Bulgaria too -all of whom wish us well and support what we are doing either virtually or otherwise-they are shocked that the UK which is often held up an example of how things should be for disabled people is undergoing this attack on disabled people, independent living and sdisabled peoples’ rights
petertan Says:

October 2, 2010 at 1:38 pm

It is disgusting how politicians who are supposed to work for the people trivialise disability issue to the extend that much needed fund are cut, leaving disabled people vulnerable and unable to live independently.

As for us here in Malaysia, we are not even where you people are now as far as financial and assistive support is concerned but what you folks are doing, standing up for your rights is an inspiration that many of us here should learn and emulate in advocating for our rights.

I regret that I can’t be there in person to be in solidarity with you all but you can be sure that I will be there in spirit.
Jo Says:

October 2, 2010 at 1:57 pm

As a carer, working an eighteen hour day looking after my three disabled children and disabled husband, I would like to know which members of the Condem parties are prepared to state, categorically, that the disabled people of this country are not entitled to a reasonable quality of life. By removing the benefits that you intend to remove, and my making them less accessible, you are removing dignity and, as stated, the right to a reasonable quality of life.
Julieanne Mason Says:

October 2, 2010 at 3:19 pm

It is unfortunate that health denies me the chance to go to Birmingham. Although my voice of protest is somewhat small; I am panicking at what the next weeks may show us. The very idea of having benefits cut really appals me; the Disability Living Allowance I receive is put towards the roof over our heads – without it we would be homeless – which would then mean we would not be independent cos we’d have to rely on payouts from the Government – correct me if I am wrong which is the better alternative – please tell me.
Rebecca Says:

October 2, 2010 at 3:54 pm

While I will do my utmost to attend the protest, I also wish to leave comments in case I cannot physically get there.
In 2004 I was an Executive Officer with the DWP. I managed the budgets for the West Midlands region offices. However by the April of that year I was unable to get out of bed due to intense pain. The DWP gave me several options, the details of which I am not allowed to disclose. Suffice to say that they admitted breaching the Disability Discrimination Act and I lost my career.
In the time since then I have been treated, by the Department I dedicated over 12 years of my life to, like a theiving, lying scrounger.
I did not choose to live in constant pain. I did not choose to live with cognitive dysfunction. I did not choose to have poor balance, a level of fatigue I didn’t previously know existed. I most certainly did not choose to lose my career and still do not want to have to live on benefits.
As politicians do you seriously think that anyone would choose to lose a career earning in excess of £20k per annum in order to live like I now have to on £5k a year taxpayers handouts? If you do, then I suggest you try living my life for one week.
I am aware that David Cameron had a son with complex needs, who tragically passed away. But, Mr. Cameron, you do not understand how the majority of disabled people are forced to live.
It is not a case of us not wanting to work. It is a case of we cannot. We physically cannot. Even if there were employers out there who would employ us, we would still be unable to work.
What you will do by further cutting disability benefits is push more disabled people even further into poverty. I know numerous disabled people who have been saving one or two tablets out of each prescription with the intention of suicide when your policies go through. They are barely surviving at the moment, any further action will have them unable to afford heating, light and food. At that point they plan to kill themselves. Many have already written letters citing your Governments actions as the reasons. The intention is to post these letters to multiple newspapers shortly before they intend to kill themselves.
I would like to ask why it is, when fraud rates are far higher in both Income Support and Job Seekers Allowance, that your Government appears to be targetting Disability Benefits, informing newspapers that these have massive fraud rates. As a former employee of the DWP I know that the truth is that IS and JSA have rates of roughly 2.9% fraud. IB is almost half this at 1.5% fraud, while DLA barely has any at all at a mere 0.5%.
The reason that DLA claims have increased is because more people are willing to claim the benefits that they are entitled to. The increase has nothing to do with fraud, have you actually tried claiming the benefit? It is extremely difficult to get, which is why the fraud rate is so low. 95.5% of claims are genuine people who need help. That money, that acknowledgement makes all the difference in the world.
I am in receipt of Higher Rate mobility DLA and middle rate care DLA. This makes all the difference in the world to me. It gives me one tiny little bit of independence. It funds my mobility adaptations and aids. It means that I am able to volunteer as a tutor for the NHS helping others with long term conditions.
Without DLA and IB I have no pride, no dignity. Without those I make no contribution and might as well lie down and die.
If you can find me a job that I can do, then I will do it. However it will have to be a job that allows me to work at home, I struggle to use my hands so anything manual is out. I cannot sit for more than a few minutes, nor stand for more than a few minutes. My concentration levels are poor and I often struggle to get words out. I require at least 11 hours 24 minutes care aid per day (at present unfunded as my husband does it – perhaps your Government would like to pay for a carer?). I have fatigue levels due to a combination of my condition and medication – 13 different types per day – that often mean I am asleep on and off through the day. I am unable to get out of bed an average of 5 days per week. Perhaps you would like to employ me?
No? Well, then perhaps you would care to allow me a reasonable quality of life? After all, there is a duty of care to the people of this country who will and do hold you accountable for your parties actions. I did not choose to have a disabling long-term condition. No-one choose disability and none of us chose a life of poverty and living on benefits. It is just the card we have been dealt.
I challenge you all to spend a week living on what we currently do, let alone what you would have us live on. Any taker?
Rebecca Says:

October 2, 2010 at 4:10 pm

That should read 99.5% of claims to DLA are genuine. Apolgies for the error there.
Daisy Lyle Says:

October 2, 2010 at 3:56 pm

I am sorry that I won’t be able to attend the protest in person but would like to add my voice to the chorus of indignation at the atrocities the coalition government is currently inflicting on their poorest and most vulnerable citizens. I am daily amazed at the extents to which the people elected to represent us bend over backwards to protect the interests of big business while continuing to begrudge sick and sometimes dying people enough money to subsist on with dignity.
georgina Says:

October 2, 2010 at 4:40 pm

Unfortunately, I cannot be there tomorrow. But I am fully disgusted with what is happening to us disabled people. In fact I would like to echo Rebecca’s comment. 99.5% of claims for DLA are genuine. I am one of the ones that are genuine, as are people who have commented here I am sure.
If I was to lose this, then I become housebound as the car will need to go back, my husband would have to work. At present my husband is saving YOU the GOVERNMENT around possibly £25.000 a year by staying at home looking after me, making sure I am safe and that I can eat and drink. I also claim IS, as I didn’t qualify for IB.
Rebecca has said everything else I would have said anyway, but I challenge YOU and the rest of the GOVERNMENT, to live maybe just a day in our shoes and put up with the c**p that we do.
Rich Says:

October 2, 2010 at 4:40 pm

I would love for the people responsible for these cuts to come and meet me in person,spend a day in my shoes,try and live /exist as I do. I would love to be able to dress,wash,shower myself,be able to drive,then go to my well paid job,instead if living with the indignity of having someone dress me,wash me,help to the toilet, shower me.I would love my old wage, instead of having to struggle with the pittance that is dla. If my benefits stop,what sort of job would I able to do?would there be a carer with me at all times, as I can’t bend,can’t lift, and need plenty of rest. I have been advised to have 30 minutes rest in every hour.what are my options now you narrow minded imbeciles have taken my only lifeline (benefits)away.this country Is a shambles, I fir one won’t sit back and be treated like a 3rd class citizen.I was a hard worker until my disability put an end to my life as I knew it.I now not only have a job,but have no social life, I can’t do any of the things I used to do.why is this government punishing me for something that was way beyond my control?somebody needs to answer my and everyone else’s questions.will anybody come to meet me?of course not, the government don’t give a damn about of us.
landscapeplayground Says:

October 2, 2010 at 5:54 pm

wishing all the one’s there all the best and thank you for giving us a voice. don’t know how much more i can cope with.
firkhamhall Says:

October 2, 2010 at 5:55 pm

Would be great if people on the march all had banners saying;

“Me + 1 as some of us physically can’t be here.”

I think they would make great banners.
Eleanor Leigh Says:

October 2, 2010 at 6:28 pm

Can I first thank all of you who attending tomorrow,I hope the weather stays dry for you.Why the hell do you the goverment think that I would want to live on Benefits,DLA is supposed to give me a better quality of life thats a bloody joke I can’t manage on ESA so the DLA helps with the bills yes I have motability because I need it,and thats only when I have the energy to go somewhere though as I live on my own I do have to go out and shop go to appointments my answer to the question how far can I walk without pain,Is not a bloody inch I’m in pain all day everyday,I have cronic fatigue fibromyalgia and a dose of arthritis thrown in for good measure.My old Life used to see me walking the Fells in the lake district a really enjoyable past time and one I really enjoyed,now I’m scared of putting a foot out of the door incase I’m told well you can get out so you can go to work,If they found me a job and i’m sure its a big IF I would probably get through the first two hrs then I would have to go on the sick again,now hows that for wasting goverment money.If you decide to take me off benefits then I will probably be put in prison as I will have to thieve my meals or starve to death,mind you prison would probably be the best option I would get all them luxurys,heating food company my washing done for me etc.You all drive round in your luxury cars eat at all the best restaurants have someone coming in to do all your housework,well you are so busy trying to put me into poverty.I would NEVER put the conservatives in power and I was even more stupid to vote for the Libs the first and last time I make that mistake,well the fact that you Nick Clegg got to help the Conservatives destroy this country you will never get the chance to stand for govement in your own right,hey and yes my memory is going I had to Google you as I forgot your name.Well I must close now as it is nearly my bedtime and I have no life to speak of.To you all out there tomorrow Thank you once again
Tracey Hammerton Says:

October 2, 2010 at 6:51 pm

I’ve been in constant pain for nearly 3 years and on my bad days I have to crawl around the house and we are having to make major alteration to our house to make it easier for me on a daily basis. I am still fighting for a diagnosis, they have said it is some form of disease of my nervous system, but because of the state of my spine the risks out way the benefits to do a lumbar puncture.
As they can not say what is wrong with me my DLA has been stopped and financially we are struggling. My husband is telling me that I need to find a part time job, but who is going to employ some-one who can not say whether they can not turn up for work when required? I can not walk without crutches or walking sticks even on a good day.
I would love to be able to get on with jobs around the house without having to rely on my husband & children to do them for me. To carry on with helping out charities, where I was a group secretary for a Scout Group & Vice-Chair of a school committee, as well as working 3 part-time jobs as I was when I became ill.
If you can tell me who will employ me in Wolverhampton with the problems I have, then great, I will do my best to work. I do not like having to take hand outs from the state, I am 40 and have been working since I was 13 till I was 37, even when my children were babies I worked evening & weekends to bring in a salary to save us struggling.
angiedryden Says:

October 2, 2010 at 8:37 pm

Hi there, being a computor dinasaur i wonder how a quick share link to and from facebook etc could access wider virtual support ?.Any suggestions
Tracey Hammerton Says:

October 2, 2010 at 11:27 pm

This is were I found out about this, a number if us have shared a link.
Karen Says:

October 2, 2010 at 8:51 pm

I am a disabled person in work – hanging on to my job by the thinnest of threads. When – and it is when, not if, – I cannot work any more as my condition is deteriorating, do I become a scrounger overnight? I have already been retired from one career on ill health grounds. When this happens again, you tell me what job I will be fit for then?I have worked all my life, only having time off for childbirth and illness, yet I am facing the prospect of having to beg for any scraps of money this Condem governement allows me. At this same time they are feathering the nests of the bankers and stock market workers who caused the recession in the first place. We are one step away from becoming labelled as ‘useless eaters’ and we all know the upshot of that policy. I cannot be at the march due to my impairment stopping me walking – but my heart will be with you all. Thank you for doing this.
Patricia Phillips Says:

October 2, 2010 at 9:11 pm

I wish I could join you on the protest but unfortunately, I can only walk a few yards.

Before I received my DLA I had no quality of life whatsoever. Receiving it has made the world of difference, and has allowed me some dignity and a sense of purpose. I used to be ashamed at how I was living, and now I can afford to get people to help me with the basic necessities in life, like cooking, cleaning and shopping.

This has made a world of difference, and my life would be shattered if this was taken away, making me question whether life was worth living at all.

We need to get the government to reconsider these their plans before lives are lost through despair and neglect.

Thank you.
Jill Goble Says:

October 2, 2010 at 10:12 pm

Thanks to everyone who is going to protest for us tomorrow. I wish I could be there with you and will be thinking of you all. It would just be so hard with the COPD not being able to breathe and expensive to get there from Brighton and I am anxious my bipolar is telling me that the Tory Condemnation govt are the sons of devils like my ex-husband so couldn’t be responsible for my actions… Plus it is easier for the authorities if I stay here and let the men in white coats take me to their expensive locked psycho ward or prison. Far more expensive than keeping me on benefits in the community as I have been safely these last few years but no you’d rather drive me psychotic and a danger Mr Rich Tory Fascists calling me and my people scroungers and letting your rich friends get away with billions in tax evasion and bankers freebie bonuses and then blameing it on us.

Well I’m doing what I can online to protest this oppression and injustice for as long as I can…

Take Care Tomorrow and remember what Bob Marley said:

Who are you to judge the life I live? I’m not perfect and I don’t live to be, but before you start pointing fingers, make sure your hands are clean.
evette Says:

October 2, 2010 at 11:11 pm

these benefit reforms are pure discrimination. it’s all very well talking about getting people off benefits, and that no one will be worse off in work. yes we do know that there are people out there who could work, but there are many people who would love to be able to work but can’t due to there disability. are we gonna be worse off? yes we are. one of the reasons being that due to our disabilities we cannot travel/fight as much as able bodied people.

we all know about the dwp being told to reject people when they know the person is entitled to more just to save money, how many more dirty tactics are we gonna see, and when will they realise how much they are affecting our lives.
Derek Robinson Says:

October 2, 2010 at 11:28 pm

Last year, at the height of the MPs’ expenses scandal, I thought, for sure, they could never again try to vilify and misrepresent social security recipients as scroungers and get away with it. How wrong could I be? The hypocrisy of Cameron & Osborne et al. is almost beyond belief.
Fiona Art Says:

October 3, 2010 at 3:01 am

I don’t want to be scared and worried to live my life with the limited money I have because I am anxious that at any time in the next 2 years I am going to loose the money and become more and more isolated, depressed and in pain. Help me belive this is not going to create a spiral of poverty! Pleaseeeeeee!!!!
L Hopkin Says:

October 3, 2010 at 3:04 am

If they get their way and cut my benefits my son will be expected to provide my personal care. Well it will be over my dead body because I’d rather die than have him wash my personal places.
Tracey Parsons Says:

October 3, 2010 at 5:43 am

I would love to be there but due to health problems and lack of finance I cannot but boy I am so there in spirit and will watch with anticipation. You have taken away my DLA due to politics the ‘cuts’ but you are taking money away from the wrong people. I am an left leg amputee that urology problems they tell me that I can change my own bed at night 3 times. They say that I need no help in other parts of my life. I am so angry but I WILL appeal the decision and take it all the way to tribunial.
Joe Says:

October 3, 2010 at 9:24 am

I can’t be there due to lack of spoons. Thanks to everyone who is marching. I’ve been feeling very low due to the extent of the cuts announced. Really been wondering if it’s worth going on.

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