Tuesday 5 October 2010

CYFARFOD CYHOEDDUS – PUBLIC MEETING Monday, 18 October 2010 at 19:30 THEATR HARLECH | Save Theatre Harlech

Monday, 18 October 2010 at 19:30
There was a private meeting held only the other day – a focus on what was known about Theatr Harlech
One person at the meeting knew a lot about the political, financial and personal history of the decline of the theatr – the rest of those present, all knowledgeable people in their own rights, only knew little bits.
to have a group of wise people, socially capable people, many of whom were also good business people, not know what the truth was regarding one of their town’s major attractions, surprisingly, didn’t surprise me that much.
Harlech, and Gwynedd… and many parts of the UK, suffer from politics and social groups, cliques and the like. In the whole time I have lived in Harlech, only 8 years, I have never had any event reach my knowledge when I have been ill and stuck at home. Of over 50 societies that are based in Harlech, not one of them has ever come into my home by way of a knock on the door, a ring on my phone or a leaflet through my door – or even an email or text. (After I signed up for the theatre programme I started receiving a wrongly named and addressed copy through the post but it was often late or not there at all – it is now but it is the only one)  If you mix with the wrong people at the wrong time of day there is so much that you will never know about the place you live in. If you avoid newspapers because of their known biases or you can’t cope with the news because life is hard enough without having to worry about things you cannot do anything about, or because you are focused outward on a much larger picture, chances are you will get to know little or nothing about a town like Harlech… add to that not drinking in pubs, having meals out or going to the theatre and for people with limits then Harlech limits you even more by leaving you out of everything because you have to be a big time joiner inner in order to play with what’s on offer.
What did surprise me was that, even when you are a big time joiner inner like many at this meeting, you still know less than is normal for social beings. Emails to all the councillors, AM’s, MP’s and EMP’s concerned gave little or nothing back in reply – a show of concern but nothing else – a void of information that allows volumes to be imagined but little else…
A number of weeks after the news about the confused future of Theatr Harlech was announced the only activity regarding it’s future is still under cover and limited to a few people – not those who gathered for this meeting – laudable though it’s aims are, and hopefully will be.
So, a two hour public meeting is really all that has been arranged since the bomb was dropped. I just walked through the high street in Harlech and there are no posters up for saving the theatre – none that I could see.
People worldwide want the theatre to remain open and growing, many locals will fight for it’s saving…
Hopefully sooner rather than later

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