Friday 14 May 2010

Gary Needs YOU! - R.A.G.E.


Reason Against Gary Extradition

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Reason Against Gary Extradition
We are a group of concerned citizens who oppose the gross injustice being visited upon Gary McKinnon by the UK and US governments, who seek to extradite him to the USA on suspicion of a crime for which no evidence exists, and in contravention of his Human Rights and those of his family.

NB These pages are under construction, hence why content is small thus far. Contributors wanted/welcome.

Sent to the PM's office

Please take this comment seriously please. I just put this up on twitter - If the politicians don't sort the Gary McKinnon extradition as they said they would- you know they will be just as dishonest as the last lot. I HATE the thought of what I have heard from you being just more BS. Please help Gary, his mum, Jasnis Sharp and everyone who cares by stopping the extradition now. No more delays

Good luck with our country - good luck with Gary's life.

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